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Economic Systems.

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1 Economic Systems

2 Economic Systems An economic system describes how a country’s economy is organized. An economic system must answer three (3) basic questions…

3 Economic Systems a. WHAT (goods/services) TO PRODUCE? b. HOW TO PRODUCE? c. FOR WHOM TO PRODUCE (who gets the G/S)? **The way a society answers these questions determines its economic system.

4 Traditional Economy – basic definition
Are based on customs + beliefs People will make what they always have made Do the same work their parents did Use bartering

5 Traditional Economy – who answers 3 basic questions
customs + traditions (previous generations) people grow & make things the same way that their ancestors did people in the village who need them

6 Traditional Economy - Examples
villages in Africa and South America Inuit tribes in Canada Aborigines of Australia

7 Command System - definition
government makes all economic decisions & owns most of the property Set prices of goods/services Set the wages of workers This system has not been very successful - countries are abandoning it.

8 Command Economy – who answers the 3 basic questions
government makes all economic decisions government decides how to make goods/services whomever the government decides to give them to

9 Command System - Examples
countries with communist governments (or dictators) have command economies Examples: Cuba former Soviet Union North Korea

10 Market Economy – basic definition
economic decisions are based on what the people want! And how much they’re willing to pay! economic decisions are based on free enterprise (competition between companies)

11 Market Economy – who answers the 3 basic questions
businesses base decisions on supply and demand and free enterprise (PRICE) businesses decide how to produce goods consumers

12 Market Economy - examples
There are no truly pure market economies. **USA is the closest to this**

13 Mixed Economy – basic definition
Market + Command = Mixed Businesses own most resources and determine what and how to produce, but the government regulates certain industries.

14 Mixed Economy – 3 basic questions
Businesses businesses, but the government regulates certain industries consumers

15 Mixed Economy - examples
Most democratic countries fall in this category (there are no truly pure market or command economies). Examples: USA Brazil Mexico Canada United Kingdom

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