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Writing Introductions

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1 Writing Introductions
“Easy reading is damn hard writing” Nathaniel Hawthorne

2 Three Paragraph Essay Format
Introduction Hook Summary/Link to Text Thesis Body M E/A L Conclusion Summarize overall argument in one or two sentences Provide an insight about your topic that relates to the message of the story

3 Thesis Statement A thesis statement is 1-2 sentences that states what you will be providing in your question. Its like the main idea of the entire essay. A good thesis statement : Answers the question Takes a clear stand Expresses on main idea with supporting reasons Is specific Is arguable Should almost always be the last sentence(s) of your introduction!

4 Examples of Thesis Statements: The Bad, The Good and The Great
Bad: The first time I went mountain climbing was great. Good: My first mountain climbing experience had a big impact on my life. Great: My first mountain climbing experience had a big impact on my life because it helped me to face my fears, showed me the importance of perseverance, and taught me that I can overcome any obstacle if I put forth enough effort.

5 Examples of Thesis Statements: The Bad, The Good and The Great
Are the following thesis statements bad, good or great? 1. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses characters’ actions to show that courage can be seen in unlikely people. 2. In her poem, Maya Angelo sends the message that we need to stop hiding from injustices, we should embrace diversity as a powerful tool for change, and that there is hope for the world to become a better place.

6 The Hook/Introductory Statement
The first sentence of an introduction that “hooks” the readers’ attention and makes them want to continue reading. Hook techniques: Show the significance of the subject you are writing about or how it relates to the reader Give interesting background information Present a startling statistic or fact Make an interesting statement Begin with an important, interesting or famous quote (that is relevant to your topic) Avoid questions, such as “When is the last time you saw a true example of courage?” Avoid clichés like “Friendship is a wonderful thing”

7 Final Tips on Writing a Hook
The hook must relate to the rest of your essay. It should fit into the essay naturally and seamlessly Write the hook after you have outlined or written the rough draft of your essay. Outlining and writing your essay often gives you ideas on how to write the hook.

8 Sample Introduction Empathy is a virtue that not all people have. To be able to understand other people’s feelings, motives or situations takes a lot of effort, especially if one lives in a judgmental society. Ann Frank, who was a young Jewish girl, went into hiding for three years trying to escape being killed by the Nazis during World War II. Under dire circumstances, Anne Showed empathy in her many diary entries. Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank shows that empathy can exist even in horrific conditions.

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