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Time Management.

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1 Time Management

2 Time Management Aim: To provide support when considering how to best use time in the lead up to examinations. To help students and parents to create a realistic and useable Study Timetable.

3 HOW MUCH TIME DO WE HAVE? From the 1st of March it is almost exactly 2 months until the first SQA Exam. That’s 8 weeks 56 Days 1344 Hours 80/640 Minutes Over 4.5 Million Seconds YOUR TIME STARTS NOW!

4 How do I use my time? Make a list of all the things you do and how many hours (roughly) that you do them for in a week. Remember to include all the essentials and the stuff you choose to do. Washing and Eating School Part Time Job Walking the dog Homework (which is a form of studying) Watching TV Social Media/On the Phone Sports Clubs Family Time

5 How do I use my time? – Pre EXam
Most young people should have about 100 awake hours maximum per week of which around 35 hours are in school, so 65 spare hours to complete on their chart. When planning a Study Timetable the aim should be for a minimum of 1 and a half hours per subject per week. This would give you 18 hours per subject if you start now before your exams. Then you have study leave where you can plan more intensive study depending on the order of your exam

6 SLEEP 14-17 year olds should be sleeping 8 to 10 hours per night. This needs to be accounted for in the plan. For more information and support on sleep see our detailed info available on the website.

7 Creating a study timetable
Using the timetable you can access on the website, or the paper copies included in your study pack, fill in the timetable to see if you have time for everything on your list. If you don’t have enough time to fit everything in, and your study time, then you will need to prioritise the time you have between now and your exams.



10 What next? Stick to it Make sure you have all the materials/notes/resources you need (see Mr Bryden or Mrs Boyce if you need any resources) Develop your use of study skills. Try different methods and find out what works for you. Check the study skills sections if you are unsure how to make the most of your study time.

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