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Wonderful Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014

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1 Wonderful Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014
Put your desks into your Learning Groups Take out your notebook Open to the notes you copied for homework. Precious Time Precious Time: Read and highlight important information Add in your Cornell Questions

2 Today’s Agenda Precious Time Group / class Discussion of Notes
Wilson, War and Peace Graphic Organizer – Wilson, War and Peace.

3 Discussion Questions What are your questions about the notes?
Why was WWI so devastating to the global community? How do Wilson’s Fourteen Points reflect his desire to use “moral diplomacy”? Compare and contrast the ideas in Wilson’s Fourteen Points and the conditions set out in the Treaty of Versailles? Why didn’t the U.S. Congress ratify the Treaty of Versailles and join the League of Nations? If you were a member of Congress at the end of WWI would you have voted to ratify the Treaty of Versailles? Join the League of Nations? Why or why not?

4 Wilson, War and Peace Analyze the political, economic and social ramifications of WWI on the Home Front EQ: What political, economic, and social effects did WWI have on the US?

5 The Treaty of Versailles, 1919
Fourteen Points Wilson’s plan for peace called for “Peace without Victory” end of secret treaties elimination of large armies open access to the ocean free trade return of lands to allies creation of new nations to reduce power of Germany free elections a League of Nations Germany surrendered because the plan did not call for harsh punishment of the losers

6 The Treaty of Versailles, 1919
Big Four the four victorious nations: US, Britain, France, and Italy they were out for blood these nations negotiated Germany’s surrender they rejected most of Wilson’s 14 Points Georges Clemenceau David Lloyd George Vittorio Orlando Woodrow Wilson

7 The Treaty of Versailles, 1919
League of Nations a world parliament to use peaceful solutions rather than war to resolve conflicts Wilson sacrificed most of the 14 Points to save the League it existed from 1919 to 1946 precursor to United Nations

8 The Treaty of Versailles, 1919
the allies rejected the 14 Points Germany was stripped of its territory and forced to pay $32 billion the problems created by this treaty led to WWII German depression and resentment will lead to the election of Hitler in the 1930s

9 The Treaty of Versailles, 1919
American Reaction to the Treaty Americans worried that joining the League would force us to fight future wars in Europe America rejected the treaty the League of Nations was too weak to be useful a weak League led to the rise of dictators and WWII Henry Cabot Lodge





14 Answers: 1. D 2. A

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