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Presentation on theme: "Acrylonitrile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acrylonitrile

2 Regulated areas Areas where acrylonitrile concentrations might exceed the permissible exposure limit Job titles/functions allowed to access regulated areas 1a

3 Regulated areas Tour regulated areas
Never store or use cosmetics, food items, beverages, or smoking items in regulated areas 1b

4 Definitions Ceiling limit Action level Permissible exposure limit
10 ppm as averaged over any 15-minute period Action level 1 ppm as an 8-hour TWA Permissible exposure limit 2 ppm as an 8-hour TWA 2a

5 Exposure control Engineering controls Work practice controls 2b

6 Monitoring Detects presence of contaminants in work area
Available for all employees to observe 3a

7 Monitoring Ongoing monitoring depends upon:
Exposure to contaminants at or above the action level, but below the PEL (quarterly) Exposure to contaminants above the PEL (at least every month) Changes in personnel, processes, controls 3b

8 Monitoring Monitoring is required after clean-up operations
Monitoring may be stopped for individual employees under some conditions 3c

9 Monitoring Employees are notified in writing of monitoring results within 5 working days Written notification must include corrective actions to reduce exposures to the PEL 3d

10 Monitoring Additional monitoring may be performed whenever there is a change in: Processes Equipment Personnel Work practices 3e

11 Physical and health hazards
Physical hazards Flammable liquid Moderate explosion hazard when exposed to flame Can react vigorously with oxidizers 4a

12 Physical and health hazards
Physical hazards Potential fire hazard Releases nitrogen oxides and cyanide Fight fire with carbon dioxide, dry chemical, or alcohol foam 4b

13 Physical and health hazards
Immediate (acute) health hazards Eye irritation Sleepiness General loss of feeling - numbness Cyanosis Diarrhea 4c

14 Physical and health hazards
Immediate (acute) health hazards Inhalation is poisonous Skin contact is poisonous Poisoning is immediate Severe eye irritant 4d

15 Physical and health hazards
Chronic (long-term) effects Carcinogen Reproductive health changes Mutagenic Tumorigenic 4e

16 Work practices Engineering controls and work practices are primary methods of exposure control Supplement engineering controls and work practices with respirators if necessary 5a

17 Work practices Storage and handling procedures include the following:
Keep containers tightly closed Never store uninhibited acrylonitrile Store in cool, well-ventilated place Keep from incompatible materials “EX” type forklifts may be required 5b

18 Work practices Do not wear contact lenses when working with acrylonitrile In areas where acrylonitrile exceeds the PEL, do not store or use cosmetics, lip balm, food items, or smoke 5c

19 Work practices Keep all surfaces free of acrylonitrile
Inspect for leaks and spills Workers must wear impermeable clothing, eye protection, face shields, etc. 5d

20 Work practices Know location of washing facilities
Keep all sources of ignition away from acrylonitrile Do not incinerate acrylonitrile cartridges, tanks, containers 5e

21 Emergency procedures Written emergency action plan is required
Contact persons Phone numbers Remove all ignition sources 6a

22 Emergency procedures Evacuate the area
Wear appropriate PPE until cleanup is complete Properly dispose of waste 6b

23 Emergency procedures Employees not involved in emergency procedures must be: Notified with a general alarm Evacuated from the area Be aware of fire hazards when exposed to flame, heat, oxidizers 6c

24 Emergency procedures Keep fire extinguishers and quick-drenching facilities available Fight fires with carbon dioxide, dry chemical, or alcohol foam 6d

25 Emergency procedures Acrylonitrile is considered a Class 1B hazard
Foam CO2 Dry chemical NO water streams 6e

26 Emergency procedures First aid measures include:
Flushing eyes with water, lifting the eyelids Flushing skin with water, wash with soap Moving victim to fresh air Giving large quantities of water if swallowed 6f

27 Emergency procedures Get medical attention immediately 6g

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