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BDHP Cancer Theme Seminar Haematology Cancers

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1 BDHP Cancer Theme Seminar Haematology Cancers
Professor Andrew Roberts, Head of Clinical Translation, Cancer and Haematology, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research TRANSLATING BIOLOGY INTO THERAPY: INHIBITING BCL2 WITH VENETOCLAX Andrew Roberts is the inaugural Metcalf Chair of Leukaemia Research at the University of Melbourne, a clinical haematologist at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and Head of Clinical Translation at the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute where he also leads an experimental haematology laboratory. His major research interests are the development of new treatments for leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma through translational and clinical research. He led the academic clinical development of the novel targeted anti-cancer drug, venetoclax, from the research laboratory through clinical trials to FDA approval. He was President of the Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand 2005 – 07, and now serves on the boards of Cancer Council Victoria (Chair) and the Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Group. He also advises the Australian government on the cost-effectiveness of new drug therapies as a member of Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee. In 2015, he was the first non-North American to serve as Scientific Co-Chair of the American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting. VENUE: RBWH Education Centre Auditorium DATE: Tuesday 20 June 2017 TIME: 7.30am – 8.30am (Light breakfast at 7.15am) RSVP: by 16/06/17

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