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Good News (Gospel) RH’s EYFS Learning Journey

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1 Good News (Gospel) RH’s EYFS Learning Journey

2 Year Group Enquiry Questions Essential Knowledge
Long Term Plan for Religious Education for Primary Schools in Chester Diocese Autumn Term 1a Christian Concept: Good News Theme: Jesus Bringer of Good News Year Group Enquiry Questions Essential Knowledge FS What is good news? What good news stories do we find in the Bible? (PPT) New Testament Jesus’ Teaching: Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37 Y1 What good news stories did Jesus tell? New Testament Jesus’ Teaching: Parable of the Two-House Builders Matthew 7:24-37 Y2 How does the Bible show Jesus living his life as good news? How do you know when you feel better inside or outside? New Testament Miracle: Healing of the ten lepers Luke 17:11-19 Miracle: Healing of Jairus’ daughter Mark 5:21-23; 35-43 Y3 How do stories of Jesus encourage his disciples to live as good news?   New Testament Jesus’ Teaching: Parable of The Pharisee & Tax Collector Luke 18:9-14 Miracle: Calming of the storm Luke 8:22-25 Y4 How do the gospels encourage Christians to live as good news in the world today? New Testament Miracle: The centurion’s servant Luke 7:1-10 Miracle: Feeding of the 5, Mark 6:30-44; Matt 14:13-21; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-14 Y5 How do Christians believe that God speaks good news to people through the life of Jesus? New Testament Miracle: Healing of the paralysed man Mark 2:1-12 Jesus’ Teaching: The Sermon on the Mount (Beatitudes): Matthew 5:3-12 Y6 Why is Jesus, ‘Light of the World’, good news for Christians?  How do the signs in John’s gospel help to explain Jesus as good news? New Testament Jesus’ Teaching: ‘I am the light of the World’ John 8:12 New Testament Jesus’ Teaching: ‘I am’ sayings in John’s gospel John 6:35; 10:14; 14:6; 15:1; 11:25

3 KEY QUESTION Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes What is good news? What good news stories do we find in the Bible? The children will learn: Good news is an event that makes people feel happy, pleased and thankful The Bible is a book containing lots of stories. One Bible story that contains good news. By the end of this unit: Emerging (Some children) I can say something about my own good news. I can retell part of the ‘Parable of the Good Samaritan’. Expected (All children) I can say what good news is and give two examples. I can retell the ‘Parable of the Good Samaritan’. Exceeding (Few children) I can recognise why something is good news. I can recognise the good news within the ‘Parable of the Good Samaritan.

4 Step 1: We talked about the children’s
understanding of good news

5 ‘I can say something about my own good news’ Emerging outcome

6 Step 2 : The children listened to and watched an animated version of the story of The Good Samaritan

7 Step 3: Then they acted out the story

8 ‘Two robbers came and hit the man with sticks
‘Two robbers came and hit the man with sticks. They stole all his money and took his donkey too’.

9 ‘The priest and the lawyer walked past the man and did not stop to help’.

10 ‘The Samaritan stopped to help the man
‘The Samaritan stopped to help the man. He put him on his donkey and took him to an inn’.

11 ‘He gave the man at the inn some money and asked him to look after the man’.

12 ‘The priest was thinking about what to do’
‘The man was sad’ Step 5: Using emotion cards to choose how the characters might have been feeling and when

13 The children selected an emotions card to show how the characters in the story were feeling.

14 ‘In the end the man was happy because the Samaritan helped him’.

15 Step 6 The children drew a picture of something they remembered about the story and an adult scribed for them

16 ‘A man was walking on a long journey, he got hurt.
Someone was walking along and he helped Him’. ‘The man got beaten up by the bad men’.

17 ‘The bad man hid behind the rock and then he hurt him’. ‘The naughty man bashed him on the head’.

18 ‘The man was walking and a baddie hit him And he fell’. Expected Outcome I can retell the ‘Parable of the Good Samaritan’.

19 Step 7: We discussed the good news in the story of the Good Samaritan We used whole class circle time to ask: What was the good news in the story?

20 Exceeding Outcome Evidence (Few children) ‘I can recognise why something is good news’ ‘I can recognise the good news within the ‘Parable of the Good Samaritan.’


22 Step 8:We talked about good news in lots of other stories too
In the story of ‘Let the Children come to me’: ‘Jesus wanted to hug everybody’. ‘Jesus played with the children’. ‘God was playing with the children’.

23 In the story of ‘The Lost Sheep’…. ‘The farmer found his sheep’
In the story of ‘The Lost Sheep’…. ‘The farmer found his sheep’. In the story of Creation….. ‘God is happy when we want to be friends with him’. ‘God is kind all of the time’. ‘God helps us when we can’t do things’. Some Possible Next Steps: - Make up your own story about good news. - Make up your own story by changing some of this story. - Say what makes your story different.

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