The state system in the UK

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Presentation on theme: "The state system in the UK"— Presentation transcript:

1 The state system in the UK

2 The royal family member-of-the-royal-family-are-you

3 The royal family Elizabeth II – the Queen of the UK since Married with Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh

4 The royal family Charles, Prince of Wales: “Бесит, когда тебе уже 66 лет, а мама не передает трон”

5 The royal family Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and his family

6 The royal family Prince Henry of Wales

7 The introduction Britain is administered from the Palace of Westminster (also known as the Houses of Parliament) The head of the state is the Queen (she opens and closes Parliament). In the UK there is constitutional monarchy

8 The House of Commons Members of the House of Commons are elected by the British public •The House of Commons has 651 seats •The chairman is called speaker hqsfE0YQ

9 The House of Lords Members are not elected, they inherit their seats from their fathers •Members are called life peers

10 The Prime Minister Since 2010 David Cameron
10 Downing street (Number 10) the official residence  of the PM

11 The Parties The Labour Party The Conservative Party
The Liberal Democrats Emerged at the end of the 19-th century Came to power in 18-th century Formed in the late 1980s The leader is Jeremy Corbyn The leader is Michael Howard The leader is Nick Clegg popular among older people

12 Foreign Secretary (Philip Hammond) - >Responsibility: relations with other countries
Home Secretary (Theresa May)-> Responsibility: internal relations, the police, law and order, law courts

13 The political system of Great Britain
The British National Government The House of Lords The House of Commons The British Parliament + Prime Minister The Queen is the Head of the State

14 Thank you for your attention!

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