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Phylum Porifera “Sponges” Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Porifera

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1 Phylum Porifera “Sponges” Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Porifera
“Sponges” Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Porifera Classes: Hexactinellida Demospongia Calcarea

2 Phylum Porifera Sponges 5,000 living species Three Distinct Groups:
Hexactinellida (glass sponges) Demospongia Calcarea (calcareous sponges) Most primitive of all animals

3 Major Characteristics:
Feed by filtering water through their outer walls and pumping it out of body Flow of water is uni-directional Generally non-motile but can move up to 4 mm per day Almost all are marine organisms Amorphous & Assymetrical

4 Moving Water/Current = Low Pressure Water pumped in through the walls
Feeding: Moving Water/Current = Low Pressure Flow of water through the sponge allows for feeding, waste removal, and the intake of oxygen A combination of pressure, flagella, and contractile movements pump water Filter Bacteria as a food source Water pumped in through the walls

5 Reproduction: Can reproduce sexually and asexually
Sexually they release large amounts sperm that are taken in by females of the same species Sexually they could be hermaphrodites (produce male and female gametes) Asexually they produce buds

6 Structure / Anatomy: No tissues or organs
Each type of sponge cell is responsible for a specific function

7 Skeletal / Muscular: Opening at top called the osculum
Gelatinous interior called the mesohyl The interior cavity called the spongocoel OSCULUM - opening SPONGOCOEL MESOHYL

8 Structure / Anatomy:

9 Structure / Anatomy:


11 Spicules:

12 Skeletal / Muscular: The skeleton is made up of calcium carbonate or silica splinters called spicules and/or a protein based mesh like substance called spongin

13 Skeletal / Muscular: The structural wall consists of the outer pinacocyte cells, a middle layer of gelatin containg amoebocyte cells, while the interior consists of the collar cells which have flagella

14 Circulatory: Amoeboid Cells in the wall transport food and nutrients

15 Excretory: All wastes are purged through the main pore called the osculum

16 Respiratory / Nervous Various cells take in oxygen through diffusion
No nervous system is present

17 Digestive: Filter feeders NO GVC – food is digested intracellularly
Collar cells engulf and digest food vacuoles Use amoeboid cells to distribute nutrients

18 Porifera body structure. Colour-coding:. Yellow: pinacocytes
Porifera body structure. Colour-coding: *Yellow: pinacocytes *Red: choanocytes *Grey: mesohyl * Pale blue: water flow Structure types: Left: asconoid *Middle: syconoid *Right: leuconoid

19 Class: Hexactinellida
Glass sponges Consists of silica constructed fibers called spicules Cannot contract like other sponges though can send electrical impulses

20 Class: Demospongia Most diversity 90% of species fall into this class
Can consist of spongin and / or silica spicules

21 Class: Calcarea Found in shallow waters
Spicules are composed of calcium carbonate

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