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Positive Attitudes.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Attitudes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Attitudes

2 Some motivational attitude slogans to get us started.





7 Let’s consider TGAT citizenship strands
Going above and beyond. Resilience Aspiring to achieve Team work Caring attitude How can we be a good example to others with regards to these aspect of school life?

8 Example to others Academic Skills- concentration, listening, supporting others, volunteering answers, responding to teacher comments ie effective green for growth. Working hard in lessons, meeting deadlines. Social skills- good manners, kindness, consideration for others, patience, leadership skills, unselfishness and most importantly: Making the correct choice, first time, every time -the key message of today’s assembly!!!

9 A Positive Attitude is the key
What do we display an attitude towards? Each other? A particular teaching subject? A particular teacher? A situation we are faced with? How we approach each situation is determined by our thoughts and feelings towards it. Our behaviour will then follow on from our thoughts and feelings.

10 An example of how attitude theory works
If you enjoy a subject ie Science,(feelings towards something) You will think positively about your science lessons (thoughts), therefore you will complete all your work to the best of your ability and work really hard in lessons (subsequent) behaviour. You are on an upward spiral to success!!!

11 What happens if you don’t enjoy science
Exactly the opposite You don’t think positively about your science therefore you don’t work hard in lessons, you don’t produce excellent quality work, you may feel bored so you try to disrupt the learning of others, you get lots of negative classchart comments etc All because you have a negative attitude. You are on a downward spiral to failure. To change a negative attitude to a positive attitude you need to switch the attitude switch in your brain the other way!!!

12 Do the right thing first time every time
This week’s target to focus on: Behaviour in and around the academy: Before school During lessons Breaktime Lunchtime Whilst travelling to and from the academy.

13 Last week Who had a good week last week? If not, why not? Targets-
Avoid room removals/Isolation Improve your attitude in the subject area/s where you were room removed last week. If you have been amazing, continue to be amazing.

14 Be the best you can be. To conclude
The main messages from today’s assembly: Have a positive attitude to everything. Get it right first time every time. Be a fantastic example to others. Be the best you can be.


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