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Vocabulary List 6 -Deflation -Closed Shop -Industrial Union -Lockout

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2 Vocabulary List 6 -Deflation -Closed Shop -Industrial Union -Lockout
-Arbitration -Injunction -Restraint -Nativism -Immigrant -Ethnic

3 Second Industrial Revolution
The Labor & Anti-Immigrant Movements

4 I. Background A) Terrible Working Conditions Long Hours, Low Wages
Sweatshops, doing repetitive tasks Complete lack of safety when using machinery B) How workers fought back: Strikes - refusing to work until conditions improve Boycotts - consumers refusing to buy products from companies exploiting workers

5 II. Rise of Unions A) National Labor Union
Legalized 8 hour work day in 1868 B) Knights of Labor United all workers regardless of skill, gender or race C) American Federation of Labor Most Successful Only white, skilled, male laborers Led by Samuel Gompers Used strikes/boycotts to get better wages, shorter hours & safer conditions for members.

6 III. Notable Events A) Great Railroad Strike
Baltimore & Ohio RR go on strike 80,000 on Strike Federal troops ended the strike Killed 100 people, $10 million in damages B) Haymarket Square Riot 3,000 gathered in support of 8 hour work day Someone throws a bomb at police, injuring 140, killing 10 police

7 III. Notable Events Map

8 IV. Big Business Fights back
A) Refused to recognize Unions B) Fire employees who try to organize C) Hired strikebreakers to replace workers D) Help from Federal Government (troops) E) Injunctions from courts forcing strikers to return to work

9 Video on Labor Day

10 V. Immigration Issues A) Numbers: Europeans - 25 Million by 1914
Asians - 100,000 by 1910 B) Ellis Island - 12 million immigrants passed through NY island C) Nativism - dislike of immigrants. Mostly protestant natives. Vs. Catholics - hated Irish/Polish/Italian catholics vs. Asians - Chinese Exclusion Act - stopped Chinese immigration for 10 years + Chinese in US could not become citizens Segregated Koreans, Japanese and Chinese from rest

11 Immigrants arriving at Ellis Island

12 From the Godfather

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