Workplace Issues Learning from the Frontline

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1 Workplace Issues Learning from the Frontline
IER 20th March 2013

2 Introduction (Slide 1) Government response to consultation on
changes to collective redundancies rules December 2012: What the proposals are? What employers will still have to do? How unions can respond/impact for trade unions. First consider current legislation, s188 TULR(C)A 1992.

3 Collective Consultation – an Overview (Slide 2)
‘Where an employer proposes to dismiss as redundant 20 or more employees at one establishment within a period of 90 days or less the employer shall consult about the dismissal or the persons who are the appropriate representatives of any of the employees who may be affected’

4 Collective Consultation – an Overview (Slide 3)
Consultation must include: Avoiding dismissals; Reducing the number of dismissals; and Mitigating the consequences of dismissals… With a view to reaching agreement. S188(4) provide information sufficient to allow proper consultation.

5 Collective Consultation – an Overview (Slide 4)
S188(4) information: 1. The reasons for the proposals to dismiss; 2. The numbers and descriptions of employees proposed to be dismissed; 3. The total number of employees; 4. The method of selection; 5. The method of carrying out the dismissals; 6. The method of calculating redundancy pay; 7. the number of agency workers including the type of work they do and where they do it.

6 Government proposals (Slide 5)
Call for evidence and consultations on reform: To reduce the consultation period; To consider the issue of establishment; and To consider excluding fixed term employees

7 Government Response – (Slide 6)
Proposals: Consultation period where 100 or more employees halved from 90 to 45 days; Definition of establishment to be included in guidance; Fixed term contract employees excluded; Non-statutory guidance on a number of key areas affecting collective redundancies TULR(C)A 1992 (Amendment) Order 2013 in force 6 April 2013

8 What Employers will still have to do? (Slide 7)
Consult with appropriate reps where an employer proposes to dismiss between 20 and 99 employees for 30 days; Enter into meaningful negotiations as per s.188(2); Provide information under s.188(4).

9 Selection for Redundancy (Slide 8)
Two issues on the extent of the employer’s obligation; 1. Subjective/objective criteria for selection 2. What is the test where employees are required to apply for posts as part of a selection process

10 What UNIONS can do (Slide 9)
Remind employers: that the 45 day consultation period is a minimum; of their obligation to enter into meaningful negotiations under s.188(2); that they may be at risk of claims for a protective award starting with 90days gross pay; Argue less favourable treatment where fixed term employees are selected for redundancy; Watch for employers who try to break down redundancies so that there are less than 20 redundant at one establishment. Jones and Ors v Sunlight Services

11 Conclusion (Slide 10)
Labour and European Law Review

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