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Kid in a Candy Store A mother took her 5-year old son into a crowded candy store. The boy asked his mother if he could have some candy, and she said he.

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Presentation on theme: "Kid in a Candy Store A mother took her 5-year old son into a crowded candy store. The boy asked his mother if he could have some candy, and she said he."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kid in a Candy Store A mother took her 5-year old son into a crowded candy store. The boy asked his mother if he could have some candy, and she said he couldn’t. So the boy cried and threw a tantrum and demanded he get some candy. Wanting to avoid a public scene, his mother bought him some candy. He ate the candy and asked his mother for more. His mother said no and he again started crying and throwing a tantrum. What should the mother do? Why?

2 Entry # 3 Aggression and Appeasement
Czechoslovakia Crisis A. After WWI Czech. was created and 3.5 million ethnic Germans lived within it borders in Sudetenland B Hitler demands the return of the Sudetenland to Germany (claimed they were being mistreated) C. Czech. turned to France and Britain for help 1. They were not willing to go to war D. Hitler demanded complete annexation and military occupation of the Sudetenland.

3 Aggression and Appeasement
Munich Conference A. In Sept. 1938, Britain, France, Germany and Italy met in Munich Germany B. France and Britain followed a policy of appeasement- making concessions to an aggressor to preserve peace C. Munich Pact- Hitler agreed to the proposal that he exchanged the right to occupy Sudetenland for a promise that this would be the last territorial demand in Europe. Everyone signed

4 Aggression and Appeasement
Violation of the Munich Pact A. Hitler started pressuring Czech leaders to create a new Czech government sympathetic to Germany. B. The Czechs refused 1. Germany broke the Munich Pact and occupied Czechoslovakia, annexing it the following day.

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