Weapons of Labor and Management

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Presentation on theme: "Weapons of Labor and Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weapons of Labor and Management

2 Weapons of Unions Collective Bargaining - Union members negotiated conditions with management Arbitration – Settling legal issues outside of the courts Strike – Refusing to work Picketing – Protesting outside of factory to stop others from going in Boycott – Refuse to buy/use products from that factory

3 Weapons of Management Blacklist – To make sure that workers would not find jobs anywhere else Lockout – Lock workers out of work so they can’t be paid Yellow Dog Contract – Part of contract NOT to join labor union Strikebreakers (Scabs) - Brought in to keep production of factory going Injunction – Court order to return to work/not strike

4 Early Labor Unions

5 Knights of Labor Membership – over 700,000 members
Leaders - Terence Powderly Goals – Social reforms (8-hour work day, no child labor, opportunities for women) Tactics – Strikes

6 American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Membership – One Million Leader – Samuel Gompers Goals – Immediate changes (better hours, wages, conditions) Tactics – “Bread and Butter” (peaceful bargain negotiations)

7 Great Railway Strike Started because of decrease in pay
President Hayes used the army to put down the strike Resulted in little change


9 Homestead Strike Steel workers in Carnegie's plant 16 people killed
National Guard ended the strike Fewer than 25% of striking workers would get their job’s back


11 Haymarket Riot Ended in a bomb blast
Knights of Labor blamed even though they had no direct connection 8 police officers and a number of civilians perished


13 Pullman Strike Railway manufacturing strike
Shut-down railroads all over the nation President Cleveland sent in Federal troops Government favored interests of business over labor


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