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KS4 Success Evening Year 10.

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Presentation on theme: "KS4 Success Evening Year 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 KS4 Success Evening Year 10

2 How to revise effectively
So what’s it all about? How to revise effectively What can YOU do as parents? RPE advice The new grading system Exams, timetable, structure and expectations

3 I’ve been here for hours and I still don’t understand it fully.
How to revise effectively – Miss Nightingale This is not going in! I’ve been here for hours and I still don’t understand it fully. Do you think your students ever feel like this?

4 Knowledge vs. familiarity
How well do you know the 50p coin? You have seen it thousands of times, so you should know all about it. Think about the front of a 50p coin (not the side with the Queen’s head). There is an image of Britannia. What is in her left hand? What is in her right hand? What is on the shield? What is on her head? What is at her feet?

5 We have seen the coin many times (‘shallow repetition’) but we have not thought about it. Therefore we are familiar with it but we do not know it!

6 “Learning happens when people have to think hard”
Prof. Robert Coe – Durham University

7 We need to engage in higher-order thinking
if knowledge is going to go into the long-term memory

8 Re-visit 1. 2. 3. Upload KNOWLEDGE Process KNOWLEDGE Download
Better Future – Brighter Hope

9 Upload Process Re-visit Download Better Future – Brighter Hope CHUNK

Re-read your notes on the chosen topic. Do some wider research on the internet until you understand it. Use: Thinkit/Graspit/Knowit Independence Apps etc. Write a detailed description or an explanation about everything you know about this topic. Try to do this without your notes. Topic on a page Write key facts you need to memorise over and over until you have memorised them. Give a verbal explanation about this topic as if you were teaching it. Repeat facts you need to remember 20 times. Record key facts about this topic onto your phone. Say what you’ve learnt from memory, using the Thinkit images to prompt you. - Split the Thinkit into manageable chunks. Choose a chunk at a time to memorise. Start with the most important or the most difficult. Better Future – Brighter Hope

11 Re-visit Process IT REDUCE IT SORT IT LINK IT Transform
Use the ranking template to rank the most important facts from this topic. What is the most difficult point to remember? Why? Categorise key facts from this topic into 3 groups. You choose the group headings. Reduce what you have learnt about this topic into 5 bullet points or prompts. Reduce the 3 most important facts in this topic into 9 words. Find 3 links between this topic and other topics you have studied. Link the points together. Link the ideas. Find some Radom links. Link the factors. Transform key facts into ia series of images. Transform what you have learnt into a diagram. Transform your learning into a poem or a story. W Better Future – Brighter Hope

12 Transform activity – first visit to Miss Havisham Chapter 8 Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
She was dressed in rich materials - satins, and lace, and silks - all of white. Her shoes were white. And she had a long white veil dependent from her hair, and she had bridal flowers in her hair, but her hair was white. Some bright jewels sparkled on her neck and on her hands, and some other jewels lay sparkling on the table. Dresses, less splendid than the dress she wore, and half-packed trunks, were scattered about. She had not quite finished dressing, for she had but one shoe on - the other was on the table near her hand - her veil was but half arranged, her watch and chain were not put on…..


14 Deconstruct: Make a large amount of learning manageable.
Star Wars – A New Hope Belief Narrative Family Protagonists Sith B Prop D Structuralist F Father G Leia L The Force A Sister H Taken from the article: ‘What Will Improve a Student’s Memory?’ By Daniel T Willingham Han Solo J Enigma E Jedi C Luke Skywalker K Friendship I


Improve it Rank it Reorder it Change it Condense it Add to it What have you missed out from your topic on a page? Go back to your Reduce it bullet points. Restore them to their original state. Go back to your images and restore them back into written form.. Create a 5 step process explaining the 3 most difficult learning points here. Recall the process or order of events you have studied - Use the Thinkit images to test your knowledge. Write yourself 3-5 exam questions on this topic or skill. Better Future – Brighter Hope

17 Top 10 tips to support your child through their exams
Head of Year 10 – Ms Palmer Top 10 tips to support your child through their exams

18 What is Prepare to Perform?
Staying calm, feeling good, being effective A toolkit to help your child control different aspects of their life to help them perform better when it comes to exam time It will allow them to focus, set themselves a plan and work towards being prepared in the best possible way

19 How can you help your child and prepare them to perform?
Being a role model Help them set goals Keep them active Healthy eating Time out Sleep patterns Unplugging Staying cool & calm Belief Be supportive Each day you can support your child to make choices which can impact how they perform during the exam period

20 1. Being a role model Set a good example by modelling the behaviour you want your child to adopt… Planning for the week Eating healthily and well Keeping hydrated Leading an active life Staying calm Being organised Good sleep habits

21 2. Goal Setting Encourage them to keep their goals planner visible – e.g. printed and displayed on their bedroom wall Help focus them and talk to them about their goals regularly Give positive reinforcement Connect with them about ‘why’ and ‘what’ they want to achieve

22 3. Keeping Active 60 minutes per day
Encourage them to keep active on a daily basis Carry out exercise in manageable chunks e.g. 3 x 20 min sessions throughout the day Plan to do active things together on a weekend Go out for a walk together and get some fresh air Help them plan out their weekly exercise schedule in advance After exercise your brain functions well, so encourage a revision session afterwards

23 4. Healthy Eating Plan your family meals for the week – breakfast, snacks, lunches and evening meals Carry out a weekly food shop and make sure you write a list Avoid high sugary and fatty foods or drinks Aim to eat clean, fresh and healthy foods Have a couple or ‘treat’ meals / or meals out per week Use the Mark Lloyd recipes and meal planner as guidance Encourage them to eat breakfast everyday Hydration is key to brain functioning so make sure your child carries a bottle of water with them

24 5. Time Out Encourage them to build in opportunities to take some time out every week, away from study. For example: Going out for food Seeing friends Having a bath Listening to music Reading a book Doing a hobby Going shopping Going to the cinema

25 6.Sleep Patterns Young people need between 8 – 9 hours sleep per night
Help your child create a relaxing evening routine Make sure they don’t eat too late at night Avoid giving them caffeine or sugary drinks late at night Make sure they don’t work or revise too late before going to bed Encourage them to switch off from social media / technology at least an hour before bedtime

26 7. Unplugging Encourage them to unplug from technology everyday
Help them switch off from technology at least 30 mins- 1 hr before going to sleep Support your child to appreciate the world around them rather than being governed by their phone Make sure they put their phone away, & on silent, while they are concentrating on tasks / revision / homework Help them learn to have the control to not be obsessed with their phone Choose some time each day/week to switch off and unplug from technology with them

27 8. Staying Cool & Calm Set a good example by staying calm yourself
Create a relaxing environment for your child Help them plan out coping strategies to deal with their stress Give them positive distractions away from studying Help them understand their stress & to focus on controlling the controllables Promote a balance of their academic studies & other activities during the week

28 9. Belief Give them positive reinforcement
Boost their confidence daily Celebrate any successes and reward them e.g. if they have achieved their mini-goals Try not to set your expectations too high Show them how proud of them you are Highlight things to make them feel good Give them the belief in themselves to help them achieve

29 10. Be Supportive Be a good listener Be approachable
Encourage them to take breaks in between revision Show some understanding of what they are going through Help them deal with their emotions & feelings Offer caring advice Just be there for them!

30 Miss Newman – Head of RPE
RPE advice Miss Newman – Head of RPE

31 Aqa a religious studies gcse exams
Paper 1: Monday 13th May 2019 Paper 2: Monday 20th May 2019

32 WHAT IS ON THE EXAM? Paper 1: Christianity Beliefs, Christianity Practices and Buddhism Beliefs, Buddhism Practices Paper 2: Relationships (Sets 4-6 only), Religion and Life, Existence of God (Sets 1-3 only), Religion, Crime and Punishment, Religion, Peace and Justice

For Paper 1, students will have TWO booklets given to them: one for Christianity and one for Buddhism They must answer ALL questions in both booklets on the lines provided For Paper 2, students will be given a question booklet with 6 different units in it but they must only answer the questions for the 4 units they have studied They should answer questions in the lined booklet

Both exams are 1 hour and 45 minutes long As there are 4 sections in each paper, students should spend about 25 minutes on each. So for Paper 1 this means that they should spend 50 minutes on the Christianity paper and 50 minutes on the Buddhism paper to ensure they answer all questions in the time allowed

All sections that students have to answer in the exam will have the following questions: 1 mark question – this is multiple choice and will test the knowledge of a key fact 2 mark question – students have to ‘give’ or ‘name two’, this should be in the form of bullet points only 4 mark question on Paper 1 - this will ask students to explain two ways in which a Christian belief influences their behavior, this should be in the form of two short paragraphs 4 mark question on Paper 2 – this will ask students to give two contrasting or similar beliefs on a topic, one of their two short paragraphs should refer to Christianity

All sections that students have to answer in the exam will have the following questions: 5 mark question – this is very similar to a 4 mark in that students will have to explain two beliefs about a topic, one of the explanations must include a religious teaching. This could be in the form of a quote, paraphrase or reference to any religious belief. 12 mark question – requires students to evaluate a statement, giving reasons for and against, answers should be written in the DREARER formula below: Paragraph 1: Disagree with Religious reasons and Evaluation (This is a strong/weak argument because…) Paragraph 2: Agree with Religious reasons and Evaluation (This is a strong/weak argument because…) Paragraph 3: Reach a conclusion (In conclusion, I agree or disagree because…)

Create their own revision guide Mind maps and connection maps Make their own flash cards Peer mark with a friend Make their own podcasts Watch videos on Youtube Testing of key words and quotes with family/friends Kahoot quizzes Practice exam questions Make their own exam question guide

OUP Revision Guide, available for £9.99 on Amazon Youtube Podcasts – ‘World Faiths’, ‘Edu Mania’ Doddle – more revision materials will continue to be added over the coming months Revision sessions on Wednesdays after school – students pick and choose depending on the topics they believe they need to revise PLCs and Quote Booklets provided Practice questions and papers provided

Provide your child with a quiet space in which they can work away from distractions (particularly the TV and their mobile phones!) Help them to produce a revision plan/timetable Encourage your child to practice exam questions in timed conditions Allow them to put posters on the walls! Always ask ‘why?!’ Encourage them in their 100 Days Challenge

In the 100 days leading up to the Paper 2 exam (starting Friday 8th February) we are challenging students to complete 1 exam question a day These will be available on Doddle from Thursday For every 20 they complete students will earn an entry into a prize draw We are also challenging parents! We will send a list of key words/quotes home via Parentmail on Thursday Please test your child on the word/quote given each day

41 The new grading system

42 Exams timetable, structure and expectations

43 World at Work Day (no exams)
Year 10 Trial Exams 2019 Date Periods 1 & 2 Break Periods 3 & 4 Lunch Period 5 Monday 25 March English Language 105 mins Biology 60 mins Tuesday 26 March Physics 60 mins French Listening 50 mins Maths P1 60 mins Wednesday 27 March Geography P1 90 mins Chemistry 60 mins Thursday 28 March History 105 mins Maths P2 60 mins Friday 29 March World at Work Day (no exams) World at Work (no exams)

44 Year 10 Trial Exams 2019 Astronomy 90 mins Drama 90 mins P E 60 mins
Date Periods 1 & 2 Break Periods 3 & 4 Lunch Period 5 Monday 1 April Astronomy 90 mins Drama 90 mins P E 60 mins Sport BTEC 60 mins Tuesday 2 April Geography P2 90 mins D & T Product Design 60 mins Wednesday 3 April Business 90 mins Camb Nat Business 90 mins German Listening 50 mins Thursday 4 April Hospitality & Catering 90 mins Music 90 mins Spanish Listening Friday 5 April MFL Reading French 60 mins German 60 mins Spanish 60 mins I media 75 mins

45 What is available in school?
After school sessions Nightclub every Tuesday open to Year 10 from 3:30-5:30pm Study Zone in the Library at lunchtimes

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