OMNIDIA – Quick tour.

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Presentation on theme: "OMNIDIA – Quick tour."— Presentation transcript:

1 OMNIDIA – Quick tour












13 OMNIDIA 5.5 Diatoms – main screen

14 OMNIDIA 5.5

15 OMNIDIA 5.3

16 OMNIDIA 5.5

17 OMNIDIA 5.5

18 OMNIDIA 5.5

19 OMNIDIA 5.5

20 OMNIDIA 5.5 Images are stored in a separate database (Album.df1). New images can be added using the CID program (Classeur Images Diatomées)

21 OMNIDIA 5.5

22 OMNIDIA 5.5 Advanced search. For example here, search of all FRUSTULIA type species .

23 OMNIDIA 5.5 Advanced search results. Click on one line to display details for this record. Most result tables in Omnida can be ordered by clicking on columns’ headers.

24 The help screen (?) explains the different search functions available.
OMNIDIA 5.5 The help screen (?) explains the different search functions available.

25 OMNIDIA 5.5 How to: Find species

26 For example, let’s find the species containing the name « Coste »
OMNIDIA 5.5 For example, let’s find the species containing the name « Coste »

27 Omnidia finds 45 records satisfying the query. Click on one line.

28 OMNIDIA 5.5

29 Profile of species selected for IBD calculation. Click on one line.
OMNIDIA 5.5 Profile of species selected for IBD calculation. Click on one line.

30 OMNIDIA 5.5

31 Presence probability of this taxon, for each water quality value.
OMNIDIA 5.5 Presence probability of this taxon, for each water quality value.

32 OMNIDIA 5.5

33 Inventory – Main screen
OMNIDIA 5.5 Inventory – Main screen

34 Displaying totals per family or types.
OMNIDIA 5.5 Displaying totals per family or types.

35 OMNIDIA 5.5

36 OMNIDIA 5.5 Details of the 17 indices calculated by Omnidia. Each formula is displayed in the « help » menu.

37 You can display indices original values instead of converted /20
OMNIDIA 5.5 You can display indices original values instead of converted /20

38 OMNIDIA 5.5 Click on « Notes/20 » to convert the values. Conversion formulas are available in the « help » menu.

39 OMNIDIA 5.5 Access to IBD graphs

40 OMNIDIA 5.5 Omnidia selects and display corresponding species and their abundance with a 1000 ratio.

41 The graph shows a profile for species selected in the previous table.
OMNIDIA 5.5 The graph shows a profile for species selected in the previous table.

42 How to: find an inventory.
OMNIDIA 5.5 How to: find an inventory.

43 List of inventories. Lists can be sorted, printed and exported
OMNIDIA 5.5 List of inventories. Lists can be sorted, printed and exported Click on a line to see this inventory on main screen.

44 Display on screen the ecological values for this inventory.
OMNIDIA 5.5 Display on screen the ecological values for this inventory.

45 OMNIDIA 5.5

46 OMNIDIA 5.5

47 OMNIDIA 5.5

48 Graphic display of the new value IDSE of L. Leclercq.
OMNIDIA 5.5 Graphic display of the new value IDSE of L. Leclercq.

49 How to: find a taxon in a list of inventories.
OMNIDIA 5.5 How to: find a taxon in a list of inventories.

50 OMNIDIA 5.5 Specify query.

51 OMNIDIA 5.5 Select the inventories for the search. (CTRL key for multiple selection).

52 OMNIDIA 5.5 Search results are ordered by abundance %. Click on a line to display this inventory. Type « CTRL+E » to go back to search results.

53 OMNIDIA 5.5

54 OMNIDIA 5.5

55 Inventories requestor.
OMNIDIA 5.5 Inventories requestor.

56 OMNIDIA 5.5 Print options

57 Results on screen

58 OMNIDIA 5.5

59 If more than 40 inventories are found, the results will be exported in an Excel compatible file.

60 OMNIDIA 5.5

61 Indices can also be exported to Excel
(Original values or /20)

62 OMNIDIA 5.5

63 OMNIDIA 5.5

64 All indices formulas are in the « help » menu
OMNIDIA 5.5 All indices formulas are in the « help » menu


66 Details of ecological values.
OMNIDIA 5.5 Details of ecological values.


68 OMNIDIA 5.5 Inventories data archive and exchange can be done using the Omnidia standard export format.

69 Select in the list the inventories to export
OMNIDIA 5.5 Select in the list the inventories to export

70 Specify export file name (.prn)
OMNIDIA 5.3 Specify export file name (.prn)

71 The .prn format can be opened by Excel

72 Preview of the Omnidia format

73 OMNIDIA 5.5 Import of Omnidia file (created with Excel, saved as tabular text file).

74 OMNIDIA 5.3 Select the file you wish to import. Omnidia will perform data integrity check and search for any redundant data.

75 Ecological values for a selection of inventories.
OMNIDIA 5.5 Ecological values for a selection of inventories.

76 Note: the above values can easily be exported to Excel (Select/copy+paste).

77 How to: create a new inventory.
OMNIDIA 5.5 How to: create a new inventory.

78 OMNIDIA 5.5 First: specify the date, temperature and other details for this record.

79 OMNIDIA 5.5 Then, select species and specify their abundance. Total values are recalculated automatically.

80 OMNIDIA 5.5 Omidia will help you find the species you are looking for, if you type the first reference characters.

81 A double click on a line let you modify this record.
OMNIDIA 5.5 Double click A double click on a line let you modify this record.

82 Now the preparation can be printed, on screen or on paper.
Note: a screen display can be printed using the « I » menu on top right corner.



85 OMNIDIA 5.5


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