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Intro I’m getting ready for the Colonial fair, but I don’t know anything about colonial times. Can you help me? Next.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro I’m getting ready for the Colonial fair, but I don’t know anything about colonial times. Can you help me? Next."— Presentation transcript:

1 intro I’m getting ready for the Colonial fair, but I don’t know anything about colonial times. Can you help me? Next

2 Girls did… What did girls do all day? a) Played soccer
b) Learned cook clean and watch the younger children from their mother c) Went to school

3 Girls did…incorrect Are you Sure? back

4 Girls did… correct That’s right! Now I can help with the fair next

5 Boys did… What did boys do all day? a) Cooked and cleaned
b) Hunted with their dad c) Played soccer with the girls

6 Boys did…incorrect Are you Sure? back

7 Boys did… correct That’s right! Now I can help with the fair more!

8 How did a man… How did a man pick is wife?
a) He looked at her sewing sampler b) He tasted her cooking c) Looked at what she looked like

9 How did a man…incorrect
Are you Sure? back

10 How did a man… correct That’s right! Now I can work with the kids at the fair next

11 Back at the house… What did they do at their house? a) Watched T.V.
b) Listened to the radio c) Mother and girls cooked older kids watched younger kids and father and boys hunted

12 Back at he house...incorrect
Are you Sure? back

13 Back at the house… correct
That’s right! Now I can help with the house station next

14 What did girls wear… What did the girls wear? a) Jeans and a t-shirt
b) Black dress an apron and a bonnet c) Shorts and a dress tank top

15 What did girls wear...incorrect
Are you Sure? back

16 What did girls wear…correct
That’s right! Now I can help with the fair next

17 What did boys wear… What did the boys wear? a) Jeans and a t-shirt
b) Shorts and a b-ball jersey c) Knee high socks, slacks to the knee, and a dress shirt

18 What did boys wear...incorrect
Are you Sure? back

19 What did boys wear…correct
That’s right! Now I can help with the fair more!! next

20 What games did they play…
What did the boys wear? a) Marble type game b) Bowling c) All of the above

21 What games did they play...incorrect
Are you Sure? back

22 What games did they play…correct
That’s right! Now I can help with the games station next

23 What jobs did they have…
What jobs did people do? a) All of the below b) Copper maker c) Tailor d) Shoe maker/shiner

24 What jobs did they have...incorrect
Are you Sure? back

25 What jobs did they have…correct
That’s right! Now I can help with the job station next

26 Did they have a town crier…
What jobs did people do? a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes

27 Did they have a town crier...incorrect
Are you Sure? back

28 Did they have a town crier…correct
That’s right! Now I can be the town crier next

29 What did they write with…
What they write with? a) Pen b) Feather c) Fingers

30 What did they write with...incorrect
Are you Sure? back

31 What did they write with…correct
That’s right! Now I can be the town crier next

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