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 Height SDS  Weight SDS

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1  Height SDS  Weight SDS
Σ GH dose 41 µg/kg/d Onset of puberty 46% n=139 Controls, n=49 y Increments in height SD-score (left) and weight SD-score (right) in short SGA children, who were randomized either to remain untreated (for 2 yr) or to receive continuous or discontinuous GH treatment. The average daily GH dose was 41 mg/kg over 6 yr. Pubertal development started in 46% of the treated children during the 6 yr of study Abbildung mod. nach Zegher, 2000

2  Height SDS  Height SDS years years
Σ GH dose 32 µg/kg/d n=77 GH dose 67 µg/kg/d n=27 GH dose 33 µg/kg/d n=35 years years Height SD-score increments over 6 yr in randomized cohorts of short SGA children receiving continious GH treatment at a dose of either 33 or 67 mg/kg/day (left) and in short SGA children receiving an initial GH treatment over at least 2 yr and thereafter either no further GH (n=47) or another episode(s) of GH treatment (n=30; right) Abbildung mod. nach Zegher, 2000

3 Height SDS GH dose 100 µg/kg/d (2y) n=8 GH dose 33 µg/kg/d (6y) n=35
years Height SD-scores after 6 yr were similar with an early, high dose GH course for 2 yr and with continuous low dose GH treatment for 6 yr. However, the latter regimen required 3-fold more injections and nearly 50% more GH Abbildung mod. nach Zegher, 2000

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