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Jeopardy Great Depression WWI 1920s New Deal Q $100 Q $100 Q $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Great Depression WWI 1920s New Deal Q $100 Q $100 Q $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Great Depression WWI 1920s New Deal Q $100 Q $100 Q $100
Imperialism WWI 1920s New Deal Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Imperialism This is the sensationalizing of news
Headlines. It was used after the sinking Of the USS Maine to get the US into The Spanish American War.

3 $100 Imperialism Yellow Journalism or Yellow Press

4 $200 Imperialism A rebellion was started in this country
To build a canal connecting the Pacific And Gulf of Mexico to make it easier To send the US Navy to travel to both coasts.

5 $200 Imperialism Panama (Panama Canal)

6 $300 Imperialism This was issued by Secretary of State
Hay to insure there was free trade in China between the imperialist powers.

7 $300 Imperialism Open Door Notes (Policy)

8 $400 Imperialism This was the name for Roosevelt’s foreign
Policy which included negations but using The military to insure the US got the best Deal.

9 $400 Imperialism Big Stick diplomacy

10 $500 Imperialism List two of the four territories the US
Gained in the Treaty of Paris 1898 (ending the Spanish American War)

11 $500 Imperialism Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines

12 $100 WWI What was the name in WWI for
Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, And the Ottoman Empire?

13 $100 WWI Central Powers

14 $200 WWI This is the term for the migration of
African Americans to the North during WWI to get jobs and escape racism. (lasted until the 1940s)

15 $200 WWI Great Migration

16 $300 WWI What were three of the four underlining causes of WWI?

17 $300 WWI Nationalism, Alliance System, Imperialism, and Militarism

18 $400 WWI This was proposed by President Wilson for
Peace after WWI which included the League Of Nations (which failed) but most of it was Not included in the Treaty of Versailles.

19 $400 WWI 14 Point Peace Plan

20 $500 WWI What were two of the reasons the US Joined WWI?

21 $500 WWI Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, Zimmerman Telegram,
Propaganda, Russia’s Surrender

22 $100 1920s This is the name for a literary/art
Movement led by African Americans In the 1920s and it expressed ideas important To the African American community.

23 $ s Harlem Renaissance

24 $200 1920s This led to the rise of Organized Crime,
Bootleggers, and speakeasies.

25 $ s Prohibition

26 $300 1920s This was the fear that communist would
Take over the US after WWI, and was Intensified by the Palmer Raids.

27 $ s Red Scare

28 $400 1920s These two Italian immigrants were put
On trial for murder with little evidence. They were later executed, and it showed The hysteria caused by the red scare

29 $ s Sacco and Vanzetti

30 $500 1920s This man started to push black nationalism and
The back to Africa movement in the 1920s

31 $ s Marcus Garvey

32 $100 Great Depression This is the name for the Stock Market
Crash on October 29, 1929 and resulted In billions of dollars being lost and singled The start of the Great Depression.

33 $100 Great Depression Black Tuesday

34 $200 Great Depression This is when a person only pays for 10% of
A stock and barrows the other 90%. This Helped lead to the stock market crash.

35 $200 Great Depression Buying on Margin

36 $300 Great Depression This was the worse environmental
Disaster in the US (occurring during the Depression) and included large sand Storms and severe droughts.

37 $300 Great Depression Dust Bowl

38 $400 Great Depression This president during the Great Depression
Encouraged volunteerism and never gave Direct assistance to the unemployed.

39 $400 Great Depression President Hoover

40 $500 Great Depression That were three of the four underlining
Causes of the Great depression?

41 $500 Great Depression Over-speculation in the stock market Easy Credit
Uneven distribution of wealth Poverty of the Farmers

42 $100 New Deal This president took an active approach
To the great depression trying to get People money through public work Projects.

43 $100 New Deal FDR

44 $200 New Deal This was created to prevent the run
On banks occurred at the start of the Depression and insured peoples savings Accounts.

45 $200 New Deal FDIC

46 $300 New Deal These were given by FDR (on the radio)
every week to tell the public that the government was trying to solve the Great Depression.

47 $300 New Deal Fireside Chats

48 $400 New Deal This was part of the New Deal to put
Young men back to work doing irrigation projects, build trails, etc.

49 $400 New Deal CCC

50 $500 New Deal This was declared after FDR took
Office which allowed the government To investigate banks to decide which Could reopen.

51 $500 New Deal Four day Bank Holiday

52 Final Jeopardy What is the cartoonist saying about the relationship between the President and Congress?

53 Final Jeopardy Answer That congress was slow to pass
FDRs reforms and that he had to Use pressure to get congress to Pass his New Deal programs.

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