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Academic Achievement Report for Meadow Homes Elementary School

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Achievement Report for Meadow Homes Elementary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Achievement Report for Meadow Homes Elementary School 2007-08

2 The Moral Purpose To support every student at Meadow Homes Elementary School as if he/she were our own child.

3 Session Outcomes Review the key strategic initiatives that we implemented as a school community last year Predict our student performance on the CST aligned to our strategic initiatives Review our actual student performance on the CST linked to our strategic initiatives Work in grade level teams to follow a similar inquiry process to review our grade level CST data. Review our AYP, API, and HPSG status

4 The Leadership and Learning Matrix
Lucky High results, low understanding of implementation components Replication of success unlikely Leading High results, high understanding of implementation components Replication of success likely Student Achievement Losing Low results, low understanding of implementation components Learning Low results, high understanding of implementation components Replication of mistakes unlikely Degree and Quality of Implementation Center for Performance Assessment

5 Our Collective Expectation for Student Achievement
Our staff holds ourselves collectively responsible to ensure that every student within our school achieves academic success by: Engaging all students in instructional activities that are real world, relevant and standards aligned. Helping students establish meaningful learning targets where they are able to align their work with exemplary grade level work and then plan to achieve this level of work with teacher and fellow student support. Providing all students with timely descriptive feedback that supports student achievement in an ongoing manner. Celebrating student success both formally and informally

6 Specific Strategic Initiatives
Initiative Description Student Group Focus Expected CST Performance TBD

7 Meadow Homes Elementary Demographics – Enrollment Over Time

8 Meadow Homes Elementary CST ELA Performance Overall

9 Meadow Homes Elementary CST ELA Performance by Level

10 Meadow Homes Elementary CST ELA Performance by Subgroup

11 Meadow Homes Elementary CST ELA Performance by Subgroup 2

12 Meadow Homes Elementary CST ELA Performance by Grade Level

13 Meadow Homes Elementary CST ELA Performance by Grade Level

14 Meadow Homes Elementary School Footprint ELA:CST 2007- 2008
Advanced Proficient 5% / 27 15% / 82 350 33% / 188 28% / 155 Basic Below Basic Below Basic # Students Tested: 565 20% / 113 Far Below Basic

15 Meadow Homes Elementary CST Math Performance

16 Meadow Homes Elementary CST Math Performance

17 Meadow Homes Elementary CST Math Performance by Subgroup

18 Meadow Homes Elementary CST Math Performance by Subgroup 2

19 Meadow Homes Elementary CST Math Performance by Grade

20 Meadow Homes Elementary CST Math Performance by Grade

21 Meadow Homes Elementary School Footprint Math: CST 2007- 2008
Advanced Proficient 8% / 47 24% / 136 350 29% / 163 31% / 172 Basic Below Basic Below Basic # Students Tested: 563 8% / 45 Far Below Basic 8/21/08

22 Meadow Homes Elementary CST 5th Grade Science Performance

23 Meadow Homes Elementary CST 5th Grade Science Performance

24 Meadow Homes Elementary CELDT Performance by Grade

25 Meadow Homes Elementary CELDT Performance by Grade

26 Meadow Homes Elementary CELDT Performance by Grade for Mt
Meadow Homes Elementary CELDT Performance by Grade for Mt. Diablo School District

27 Inquiry Questions What were your goals for students last year?
What strategies did we employ to ensure that all students achieved the standards-aligned achievement targets? What are your predictions about student performance for your grade level? Use the tools in the following slides to help you carry out your grade level inquiry.

28 Inquiry Protocol

29 Inquiry Protocol

30 Inquiry Protocol

31 Inquiry Protocol

32 Inquiry Protocol

33 Comparing AYP and API Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
AYP and Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) Academic Performance Index (API) Performance Levels Proficient Not Proficient Advanced (1000) Proficient (875) Basic (700) Below Basic (500) Far Below Basic (200) Calculation Percentage of students who score proficient or advanced in Math and ELA as defined by each state Student performance levels for multiple content areas are weighted and used to develop an index score that is measured and compared over two years to show growth

34 HPSG Criteria

35 API Growth for Meadow Homes Elementary

36 Did We Meet our API Growth Targets?
API Group API Base Score for 2007 API Growth Score for 2008 API Growth Target for 2008 Did we Meet Our API Growth Target for 2008 Overall School 605 636 10 Yes Hispanic 587 622 11 Economically Disadvantaged 590 624 English Learners 580 607

37 Did we Meet our AYP Targets in 2008
AYP Group ELA Participation (95%) ELA % Proficient or Advanced (35.2%) Math Participation Math Proficient or Advanced (37%) Overall School 100% 19.7% 32.8% (SH) Hispanic 16.0% 31.2% (SH) Economically Disadvantaged 17.7% 30.9% (SH) English Learners 13.6% 28.0%

38 Academic Achievement Report for Meadow Homes Elementary School 2007-08

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