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COMMUNICATION - Board - one-on-one meeting with the Alliance, monthly email updates (e.g. workgroup initiatives, funding opportunities, events, RHI, etc.),

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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNICATION - Board - one-on-one meeting with the Alliance, monthly email updates (e.g. workgroup initiatives, funding opportunities, events, RHI, etc.),"— Presentation transcript:

1 COMMUNICATION - Board - one-on-one meeting with the Alliance, monthly updates (e.g. workgroup initiatives, funding opportunities, events, RHI, etc.), quarterly conference calls, meeting minutes, and the Annual Meeting. Workgroups - monthly/quarterly conference calls, meeting minutes, updates, and face-to-face meetings (as needed) Planning committees - monthly conference calls and updates General Membership - (Constant Contact: update sample and Event sample) WEBSITE - SCCANCER.ORG (total page views - 3,770 from July 20, June 30, 2018) These pages have recently been updated and have a simplified redirecting weblink (e.g. Lung Cancer - Lung cancer screening recommendations (Low-dose CT scans), SC Tobacco Quitline, National/local resources, and listing of lung cancer screening centers in SC. Prostate Cancer - Risk factors and screening HPV Vaccination - Increase awareness of and positive attitudes toward the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in SC Colorectal Cancer - Understanding U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendations (based on the consumer guide) (Breast, cervical, treatment/survivorship, and policy/advocacy pages to be updated at a later date) SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook (sccancerorg) Twitter HPV Vaccination NOW Social Media Campaign (HPVvaxSC)- launched in Jan We continue with 3-5 posts on Facebook and Twitter every day. Facebook gained 480 followers/110,000 impressions and Twitter gained 606 followers and over 270,000 impressions)

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