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Supporting Excellence In Academic Departments

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1 Supporting Excellence In Academic Departments
Office of Budget and Planning (OBP) Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIRE) Lloyd Blanchard, PhD AVP for Budget, Management, and Institutional Research March 8, 2019

2 We measure, analyze, manage, and/or report institutional inputs and outputs
Office of Budget and Planning (OBP) produces and communicates financial information for the University, planning and managing financial resources as efficiently and effectively as possible to support the University’s mission. We accomplish this by producing, maintaining, analyzing, and forecasting accurate, impartial, and comprehensive information about the University’s financial past, present, and future. Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIRE) provides strategic analytical support in shaping long-term institutional policies and programs geared towards resource allocation, new program development, student success, competitive positioning and institutional effectiveness. In addition, OIRE serves as the central repository of official data for state, federal, and other external agencies for reporting purposes.

3 Combined organization
EVPACFO Provost AVP of Budget, Management, and Institutional Research Operating Budget and Planning Capital Budget and Planning Business Analytics Institutional Research and Effectiveness Resource Management Performance Management

4 Office of Budget and Planning (OBP) Operating Budget and Planning Kelly Wihbey, Director Capital Budget and Planning Reka Wrynn, Director Business Analytics Jeremy Campbell, Director

5 Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIRE) Lauren Jorgensen, Director Institutional data Faculty, Staff, Students, Enrollment, Degrees, Graduation and Retention Rates, Residency National surveys IPEDS, US News, Wall Street Journal, etc. Assessment data Husky Data for faculty reporting; Student evaluation of teaching (SETs) Program review and survey support Institutional, school, and disciplinary data for comparisons

6 Data tools for decision support
Disciplinary peer-based comparisons of research productivity Publications, citations, grants Leadership Dashboard Access to all internal data by school and department Disciplinary peer-based comparisons of teaching productivity Student credit hours and instructional costs Market research Linking academic programs to job market Program Development Teaching Productivity Research Productivity Visual Analytics

7 Data analyses for decision support
Produce analyses, data tools, rubrics, and white papers to provide cost and performance information.

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