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Who Is Jesus Christ? Lesson 4. Christs Person (who He is) 1.He is called God Jesus = The Lord Saves or Savior Christ = anointed one (Greek) Messiah =

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Presentation on theme: "Who Is Jesus Christ? Lesson 4. Christs Person (who He is) 1.He is called God Jesus = The Lord Saves or Savior Christ = anointed one (Greek) Messiah ="— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Is Jesus Christ? Lesson 4

2 Christs Person (who He is) 1.He is called God Jesus = The Lord Saves or Savior Christ = anointed one (Greek) Messiah = anointed one (Hebrew) LORD = I am (Yahweh) Immanuel = God with Us

3 Christs Person (who He is) 2.He is described as God Eternal Almighty All-knowing unchangeable

4 Christs Person (who He is) 3.He acts like God He performs miracles He forgives sins Therefore, Jesus Christ is True God!

5 Christs Person (who He is) 1.He is called Man Son of Man Son of David 2.He is described as man Flesh and blood He grew

6 Christs Person (who He is) 3.He acts like a man Hungry Tired Wept Suffered, Died Therefore, Jesus Christ is also true man.

7 Jesus: Both God and Man Jesus is God and Man in ONE person. Incarnation = God taking on human flesh, becoming man.

8 Jesus: Both God and Man 1.As MAN, Jesus 1.Lived a perfect life under the law in our place. 2.Suffered and died for sin in our place.

9 Jesus: Both God and Man 2.As God His perfect LIFE counted for everyone. His death counted for everyone.

10 Jesus: Both God and Man 3.The God-Man Jesus is our Redeemer (one who buys back). Through the virgin birth God got into the world the Saviour we all need, one who is both God and Man.

11 Christs Office: His Official Position 1.Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit at His baptism. 2.Christ was anointed to be our 1.High Priest 2.Our Prophet 3.Our King

12 Christs Office: His Official Position A.As our High Priest, Christ 1.Offered Himself up as a once and for all sacrifice 2.Pleads (intercedes) for us before God.

13 Christs Office: His Official Position B.As our Prophet, Christ 1.Made known the message of salvation personally while on earth. 2.Makes known the message of salvation today through Christians.

14 Christs Office: His Official Position C.As our King, Christ 1.Rules our hearts 2.Rules the whole universe for our good.

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