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Your Trail in Life Assignment

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1 Your Trail in Life Assignment
Writing 421: Expressive and Reflective Writing

2 Expressive & Reflective Writing
Expressive Writing: A piece of writing where you recall an event from your own experiences. Reflective Writing: A piece of writing where you consider how that event has influenced you.

3 Your Trail in Life Assignment
For this assignment, I would like you to tell me about yourself, looking at your life from birth to now. Some things you can consider when writing: Where you’re from Family (Important!) School Interests/Hobbies (Important!) Likes/Dislikes (Important!) The ones I have highlighted as important, are ones where you should focus your writing. I’m not saying the others aren’t important!

4 Also… Because this is a piece of expressive and reflective writing, at the end of your piece please reflect on how your past (or your trail in life up until now) will affect your present and future. Reflection should also be scattered throughout your work, not only a paragraph at the end.

5 Particulars Due - Tuesday, October 21st)
Must be in MLA format (Your Name, My Name, Course Name, Date Due), Title, Running Header Roughly words Remember – try shorter sentences, cut out wordiness in your writing. Watch for R.O.S Quality, not quantity.

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