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Chlamydia: Not just another STD.

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Presentation on theme: "Chlamydia: Not just another STD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chlamydia: Not just another STD.
The Sheens: Andrea Lozano, Hiram Rios, Alberto Dueñes.

2 Appeal to logos We all know what an STD is, we are aware that STD’s are harmful. Therefore our logical argument is that we must protect ourselves because we don’t want harm from the disease. Another way we appeal to logic is presenting the facts and symptoms.

3 Appeal to Pathos When presenting the facts, we also try to scare people of the disease. Portraying it as a dangerous disease that can have negative consequences on people who contract the disease. So what we try to do is to scare people into being safe.

4 Pathos One of our goals is to make people want to avoid the disease.
For example facts like: Pain while urinating Painful periods Pain while having sex Swelling or the reproductive organs Are likely to scare people.

5 Appeal to Ethos. In order to be credible we utilized charts provided by Chimera Medical found on the internet. The chart proves the fact that Texas’s chlamydia rates are alarming.

6 Memes As we know, memes are viral idea or picture shared in the internet. Since teenagers are our audience we decided to utilize memes to catch their attention. Not only do we catch their attention but we also utilize the pictures as visual aid.

7 Memes (continued) We connected the picture of the man “apparently peeing fire” with the known fact that people with chlamydia feel pain while urinating. That way the picture presents an image describing one of the symptoms in a humorous manner. The Oprah meme was utilized to emphasize how the disease spreads easily and how the rate has been growing.

8 Colors Bright colors are used, as they seem clear and clean. Just like want people to be. Light blue, Cyan, Light green. We also utilized the colors to make the graphics stand out so people notice the statistics.

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