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2 The Parable Of The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31

3 Setting In The Perean Ministry Jn 10:40-42
The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 Setting In The Perean Ministry Jn 10:40-42 In His 3rd year of preaching A little more than 3 months to crucifixion Following the 3 parables on lost things (Lk 15), Jesus tells 3 parables on stewardship Lk 16:1-31; 17:7-10

4 The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 Setting The previous parable (Unjust Steward) was spoken to the disciples Lk 16:1 The Pharisees overheard…they scoffed This parable was directed to them for “…their love of money” Lk 16:14

5 Setting Is this a parable or a real narrative?
The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 Setting Is this a parable or a real narrative? Some say real (Lazarus, Abraham named) Considering previous parables, it seems parabolic Lk 10: : : :1 Either way, it teaches the same lesson

6 The Parable A certain rich man v. 19 A beggar named Lazarus vv. 20-21
The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 The Parable A certain rich man v. 19 Dressed habitually in purple, fine linen Lived “gaily” in splendor every day A beggar named Lazarus vv Had to be carried everywhere just to beg Longed for crumbs from rich man’s table

7 The Parable A certain rich man v. 19 A beggar named Lazarus vv. 20-21
The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 The Parable A certain rich man v. 19 Dressed habitually in purple, fine linen Lived “gaily” in splendor every day A beggar named Lazarus vv Covered in sores…only relief was for neighborhood dogs to lick them

8 The Parable A “normal day” for the rich man A “normal day” for Lazarus
The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 The Parable A “normal day” for the rich man Add to his wealth…continue “good living” Never noticed OR ignored Lazarus A “normal day” for Lazarus How much more pain, misery, humiliation? What “crumbs” (pity) will I get today?

9 The Parable Both men died v. 22 The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31
Despite their very different lifestyles, both faced this same day Eccl 9:2-5 Heb 9:27 Death is the “Great Equalizer” No mention of Lazarus’ burial…beggars often “dumped” in Potter’s Field

10 The Parable Both men died v. 22 The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31
Did anyone even notice Lazarus was gone… did anyone mourn his death? It didn’t matter…angels carried him to comfort (Abraham’s bosom)

11 The Parable Both men died v. 22 The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31
Imagine the “pomp & pageantry” of the rich man’s funeral !! Plenty of mourners…but they could only go so far with the body No angels for him

12 The Parable Both men died v. 22 The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31
Both men left this life penniless Eccl 5: Tim 6:7 The cold, dark reality of materialism…it has no influence beyond the grave

13 The Parable Both men died v. 22 The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31
Where we go after death is determined by what we do in life No matter the “splendor” (rich man) or the “shame” (Lazarus)…our fate can be much different after we die

14 The Parable Implications re: both men v. 23 The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31 The Parable Implications re: both men v. 23 Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom = his character must have been acceptable Rich man in Torments = his character must have been disreputable

15 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham A drop of water from Lazarus’ finger to cool his tongue v. 24 Now, he is in the position of beggar This would be the “crumb” he desired He wants what he didn’t give – mercy

16 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham Abraham’s answer vv “Remember…” He was told to think back to how he lived and how he had ignored Lazarus Death reverses life’s inequities

17 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham Abraham’s answer vv “There is a great gulf fixed…” Lazarus could not be sent Death seals everyone’s fate cp. 2 Pet 2:4b Jude 6

18 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham Send Lazarus to warn my 5 brothers so they will not come here vv , 30 Indication they now lived as he had They needed to “repent” He knew the jeopardy they were in

19 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham Send Lazarus to warn my 5 brothers so they will not come here vv , 30 Does this teach those who find themselves in Torments will have knowledge of life, regrets of how they lived, loved ones who need to repent, etc.?

20 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham Abraham’s answer vv. 29, 31 “They have Moses & the Prophets…” Sending Lazarus wasn’t necessary If they wouldn’t listen to God’s word, they wouldn’t heed a man from the dead

21 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 The Parable Activity after their deaths vv The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham Abraham’s answer vv. 29, 31 Could we not easily substitute for us “Jesus & the apostles?” The word of God has enough warnings for anyone to avoid Torments

22 The Lesson What kind of steward am I? The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31 The Lesson What kind of steward am I? Do I only think about myself, my standard of living? (like the rich man?) Do I see yet ignore the “Lazaruses” in my life? cp. Mt 25:41-45

23 The Rich Man & Lazarus Lk 16:19-31 The Lesson Do I realize what I do or don’t do in this life determines my eternal fate? No second chances after death Torments will afford me nothing but never-ending agony, regrets, etc.


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