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Presentation on theme: "HUMANS & ENVIRON- MENT CULTURAL INTERACTION STATE & CONFLICT ECONOMIC"— Presentation transcript:

1 HUMANS & ENVIRON- MENT CULTURAL INTERACTION STATE & CONFLICT ECONOMIC SYSTEMS SOCIAL STRUCTURES 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60

2 Answer Humans & Environment
What the Iraqi army did as they retreated from Kuwait during First Gulf War Answer Return

3 The first use of this chemical weapon was used in WWI
Humans & Environment The first use of this chemical weapon was used in WWI Answer Return

4 Pandemic viral attack that confronted the world toward the end of WWI
Humans & Environment Pandemic viral attack that confronted the world toward the end of WWI Answer Return

5 The worst nuclear disaster in history
Humans & Environment The worst nuclear disaster in history Answer Return

6 Answer Humans & Environment
Not acceptable to U.S., this international agreement was designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Answer Return

7 Only country in the world to voluntarily give up nuclear weapons
Humans & Environment Only country in the world to voluntarily give up nuclear weapons Answer Return

8 Answer Cultural Integration
Replaced the League of Nations and was created at a conference in San Francisco in 1945 Answer Return

9 Answer Cultural Integration
Country possessing Shi-a majority but ruled by a Sunni minority for most of the 20th century Answer Return

10 Leader responsible for westernization of Turkey after WWI
Cultural Integration Leader responsible for westernization of Turkey after WWI Answer Return

11 Early Cold War confrontation in Germany
Cultural Integration Early Cold War confrontation in Germany Answer Return

12 Answer Cultural Integration
Iranian leader widely considered to be U.S. puppet from 1950s to the 1970s Answer Return

13 Term for British rule in India between WWI & WWII
Cultural Integration Term for British rule in India between WWI & WWII Answer Return

14 Answer States & Conflict
Called “The War to End All Wars” and “The War To Make The World Safe For Democracy” Answer Return

15 The date that “would live in infamy”
States & Conflict The date that “would live in infamy” Answer Return

16 Answer States & Conflict
Location of conference where eventual WWII victors would meet to discuss post-war activities Answer Return

17 Picasso art that highlighted German atrocities in Spanish Civil War
States & Conflict Picasso art that highlighted German atrocities in Spanish Civil War Answer Return

18 Site of 1919 disaster of Indians by British colonial military
States & Conflict Site of 1919 disaster of Indians by British colonial military Answer Return

19 Answer States & Conflict
Though communists and fascists had little respect for each other, they shared a common disrespect for this political concept Answer Return

20 Answer Economic Systems
Leader of the first communist country in the world when it ceased to exist Answer Return

21 Answer Economic Systems
Collective term for small Asian nations who experienced economic success in 1980s and 1990s Answer Return

22 American aid to Europe after WWII
Economic Systems American aid to Europe after WWII Answer Return

23 Japanese large industrial conglomerates
Economic Systems Japanese large industrial conglomerates Answer Return

24 Attempted to industrialize China in the 1950s and 1960s
Economic Systems Attempted to industrialize China in the 1950s and 1960s Answer Return

25 Answer Economic Systems
Said “It does not matter whether a cat is black or white as long as she catches mice” Answer Return

26 Mythical female who replaced American male factory workers during WWII
Social Structures Mythical female who replaced American male factory workers during WWII Answer Return

27 The world’s largest democracy
Social Structures The world’s largest democracy Answer Return

28 The laws limited Jewish activity in pre-WWII Germany
Social Structures The laws limited Jewish activity in pre-WWII Germany Answer Return

29 Answer Social Structures
Two “races” that Hitler claimed contributed nothing to European culture Answer Return

30 Rich peasants in the early Soviet Union
Social Structures Rich peasants in the early Soviet Union Answer Return

31 The first predominantly Muslim country to give women the right to vote
Social Structures The first predominantly Muslim country to give women the right to vote Answer Return

32 What is setting fire to the oil fields?
Humans & Environment What is setting fire to the oil fields? Return

33 Humans & Environment What was mustard gas? Return

34 Humans & Environment What was Influenza? Return

35 Humans & Environment What is Chernobyl? Return

36 Humans & Environment What is Kyoto Protocol? Return

37 Humans & Environment What is South Africa? Return

38 Cultural Integration What is United Nations? Return

39 Cultural Integration What is Iraq? Return

40 Cultural Integration Who was Mustafa Kemal? Return

41 What was the Berlin Airlift?
Cultural Integration What was the Berlin Airlift? Return

42 Cultural Integration Who was Shah Pahlevi? Return

43 Cultural Integration What is indirect rule? Return

44 States & Conflict What was WWI? Return

45 States & Conflict What is December 7, 1941? Return

46 States & Conflict What was Yalta? Return

47 States & Conflict What is Guernica? Return

48 States & Conflict What is Amritsar? Return

49 States & Conflict What is democracy? Return

50 Economic Systems Who was Boris Yeltsin? Return

51 What are “Little Dragons” (“Asian Tigers”)?
Economic Systems What are “Little Dragons” (“Asian Tigers”)? Return

52 What was the Marshall Plan?
Economic Systems What was the Marshall Plan? Return

53 Economic Systems What are Zaibatsu? Return

54 What was the Great Leap Forward?
Economic Systems What was the Great Leap Forward? Return

55 Economic Systems Who was Deng Xiaopeng? Return

56 Who was Rosie the Riveter?
Social Structure Who was Rosie the Riveter? Return

57 Social Structure What is India? Return

58 What are Nuremburg Laws?
Social Structure What are Nuremburg Laws? Return

59 Who were Jews and gypsies (Roma)?
Social Structure Who were Jews and gypsies (Roma)? Return

60 Social Structure Who were kulaks? Return


62 leslie rhinehart

63 Social Structure What is Turkey? Return


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