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Stakeholder Forum 29 January 2007

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1 Stakeholder Forum 29 January 2007
WATER SCARCITY & DROUGHT First Interim Report Stéphanie Croguennec Sylvie Detoc European Commission, DG Environment Unit D.2 – Water and Marine

2 FIRST Interim Report Data Sources Limitations EU EEA, Eurostat
National, River Basin MS (18) + Norway EU instruments MS, DGENV, AGRI & REGIO Limitations Preliminary results, provisional figures Non exhaustive data Consistency MS who have not replied to the questionnaire  need to be refined and completed

Insufficient water resources to satisfy long-term average requirements DEMAND > SUPPLY DROUGHT Rainfall deficiency Temporary situation Exacerbated by mismanagement of water resources DEVIATION FROM AVERAGE In addition: impact of climate

4 DELINEATION WATER SCARCITY DROUGHT Countries 7 doc 14 doc 13 + Norway
(last 30 years) Countries 7 doc 14 doc 13 + Norway Population (Mio inhab.) 80 (last 5 years) River Basins 26 Countries with a WEI exceeding 10% are considered water stressed. 9 countries – population of 130 Mio inhabitants But the WEI is a national index. It minimizes and does not reflect correctly possible local sensitive situations Twelve MS have identified river basins affected by water scarcity:  26 river basins  10% of the EU territory  14% of the EU population (70 Mio inhabitants) But still necessary to improve the first assessments carried out by MS on basis of a common methodology 11 MS not affected by Water scarcity


The causes of water scarcity largely depend on river basin characteristics and water uses. Difficulty in singling out the part due to tourism

Economic impacts - Income losses and additional costs in agriculture, industrial and energy sectors as well as tourism - Investments in water supply infrastructures (desalination plants, new reservoirs, transfers, etc) and new water efficient technologies Social impacts - Decrease in employment (agriculture) - Increase in water prices Environmental impacts - Ground water: aquifer depletion, seawater intrusion - Surface water: lower river flows, increase in pollutant concentrations, loss of wildlife, desiccation of wetlands Avregar for the 5 lastes years of €5billion per year

8 DROUGHTS - SCOPE Source: COM, data MS

9 DROUGHTS - IMPACTS Economic impacts Types of impacts Examples
of collected costs - Damage on habitations France: : annual average of 330 Mio € : 1.68 billion € - Emergency water supply Finland: In : m³ of water provided with tank trucks Mio € - Restrictions in water uses 50 Mio inhabitants affected in the most sensitive years - Impacts on industrial and energy production (production disrupted or additional costs) Belgium: 1976: 350 Mio € Portugal: : Mio € : 182 Mio € - Impacts on agricultural production Spain: : 1.8 billion € France: 2003: 670 Mio € - Disruption in navigation Belgium: 1976: 123 Mio €

10 DROUGHTS - IMPACTS Social impacts Environmental impacts
Disruption in water supply Impacts on water quality Environmental impacts - Impacts on ground water and surface water (see water scarcity impacts) with high seasonal peaks depending on annual meteorological and hydrological conditions  Need to assess direct and side effects Impacts on soil erosion - Increase in forest fires Substitution of hydroelectricity by thermic energy: gas & particle emissions

11 DROUGHTS - IMPACTS : overall economic impact of droughts estimated to 85 billion € Annual impact estimated to have doubled between and In last years: annual impact estimated to 5.3 billion € in average In 2003: exceptional cost of 7.5 billion €

12 USE OF EU INSTRUMENTS CAP & RD programmes, Structural & Cohesion Funds: : very little or no use; on the contrary, some supports have tended to exacerbate the imbalances : weaknesses identified LIFE : mainly on qualitative issues European Solidarity fund: no use / criteria not adapted Community Mechanism for civil protection: no use / criteria not adapted Water pricing: few water pricing policies adapted for incentive role WFD: request for exchanges at EU level CAP and rural development programmes  In Programmes have hardly contributed to addressing water scarcity and drought issues. In some MS directly affected by these issues, not any agro-environmental measure has been designed in this respect. Some investment supports have tended to encourage the development of new farming water supply – like irrigation networks and reservoirs – with pending questions on the environmental impacts and the recovery of costs.  In Until now, only national strategy plans are available. Some weaknesses have been identified.  Axis 1(mainly investment supports) Possible supports for the development of irrigation and use of desalinated water, without cleary ensuring the respect of the WFD provisions  Axis 2 (mainly agro-environmental measures) Part of the budget specifically dedicated to quantitative issues not automatically specified Sometimes no support planned for water saving measures or a very low level of support foreseen Structural and cohesion funds Conclusions similar to the conclusions emerging from rural development programmes Some supports have contributed to set up new water supply infrastructures No clear overview of the content of the future operational programmes

13 CONCLUSIONS DATA: Improvement needed as well as focus on specific issues (delineation, impacts, tourism, climate change) Technical work required Support of research OUTCOMES: Importance of WS&D impacts Some lessons on use of EU instruments: room for improvement at national level Best use of existing instruments Water pricing policies

14 CONCLUSIONS At EU level, 2 strands of possible actions:
Promotion of water demand management Coordination & better adaptation of EU mechanisms for drought risk management Next steps for the in-depth assessment: Refine the analysis: June & Dec. 2007 Input for the preparation of the Communication

15 FUTURE ACTIVITIES Technical work Consultation Communication process
Tentative Timeframe Technical work In-depth assessment (with support of Exp. Network) Scenario analyses at EU level and RB level Impact assessement Consultation Stakeholder Forum Communication process From drafting - internal consultation to translation Political process Informal ENV ministerial meeting in Portugal ENV Council meeting June/Dec 2007 May 2007 Jan/March/May 2007 June 2007 Sept. 2007 Oct. 2007

16 Thank you for your attention

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