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Pass you’re the above items forward

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1 Pass you’re the above items forward
Trivia Thursday April 28, 2016 Agenda: Precious Time Rise of Fascism Home Fun: TN: WWII pgs Title page – rise of dictators Art Chart – Due by Monday Take out: TN: Again the Road to War Docs Pass you’re the above items forward 10 Minutes Precious Time Work on anything you need to for AP EURO AP Euro Week 15

2 The Rise of Fascism

3 Today’s Standard Essential Question
10.7 Students analyze the rise of totalitarian governments after World War I. How did Mussolini and Hitler gain power and how did they use Fascism/Nazism to control the people? Essential Question

4 Crisis Leads to Fascism
Worldwide depression lead to millions loosing faith in democracy Fascism: loyalty to state & obedience to leader, extreme nationalism, one-party rule Fascist promise – revive economy, punish those responsible, restore national pride

5 Mussolini Comes to Power
Mussolini: Promises to rescue economy & rebuild army 1919: Founded Fascist Party Black Shirts wage terror 1921 election  Fascists included on ballot they win 35 seats. October, 1922  Mussolini threatened a coup d’etat. “March on Rome”  25,000 Black Shirts staged demonstrations (riots/protests) throughout the capital.

6 Mussolini Forms a Government
King Victor Emmanuel III makes Mussolini Prime Minister Giving Mussolini the power to lead Italy 1925  Mussolini seized dictatorial powers during a political crisis Black Shirts murdered one of Mussolini’s chief Socialist critics, Giacomo Matteotti = no more compeititon

7 Mussolini Consolidate Power (1925-1931)
New laws passed to create a single-party state: Independent political parties & trade unions were abolished. Strict Censorship for press and radio. Special courts created to persecute any political opposition. National police force created with a secret police component.

8 A Young Benito Mussolini

9 Mussolini in the early part of his dictatorship

10 Mussolini the Orator

11 Mussolini Was Hitler’s Role Model

12 Weimar Republic Rise and Fall
Weak democratic gov’t in Germany led by a chancellor (prime minister) faced weak leadership and severe inflation People blamed the Weimar Republic for the hated Treaty of Versailles. U.S. Depression cause German economy to collapse  30% unemployed Grave of Weimar republic

13 Hitler in his mid to late 30’s

14 Hitler & the Nazis Nat’l Socialist German Worker’s Party, known as Nazis  German brand of fascism 1919 Hitler joined Nazi’s Main goal is to overthrow Treaty of Versailles He is chosen as der Führer (leader) of Nazis Hitler organizes supporters into “storm troopers” to fight against political enemies

15 Hitler’s Rise to Power Nazis try to seize power in the Beer Hall Puscht (1923)  Hitler jailed Mein Kampf (My Struggle)  becomes blueprint for Nazis Aryans = master race Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Homosexuals inferior Blamed all countries problems on Jews Get Germany more Lebensraum (living space)

16 Hitler Becomes Chancellor
Germans look for strong leader By 1932, Nazis largest political party 1933 Hitler named chancellor  Within 1 year he is dictator of Germany Night of Long Knives – June 30, 1934 Hitler’s Purge killed a minimum of 85 people Killed political rivals Creates totalitarian state Suspended civil rights Disbanded all political parties Executed disloyal Nazis

17 Hitler’s Totalitarian Government
SS (elite military unit) & Gestapo (secret police) terrorize, arrest, & kill Propaganda, indoctrination, & censorship Controlled all areas of German life Enemies arrested or killed A warrant disc identified an operative as Gestapo without revealing personal identity. Insignia pins worn on SS commissioned and non-commissioned officers’ hats

18 Campaign against the Jews
Hatred of Jews (anti-Semitism) Nuremburg Laws- laws deprive Jews of rights including: German citizenship; marrying non-Jews; attending or teaching at German schools; practicing law or medicine; publishing books 1935 chart from Nazi Germany used to explain the Nuremberg Laws

19 Kristallnacht Violence against Jews -(Kristallnacht) “Night of Broken Glass” November 7, 1938

20 Kristallnacht

21 267 Synagogues burned or destroyed

22 Jewish Cemeteries Desecrated by Nazis

23 November Jews arrested during Kristallnacht line up for roll call at the Buchenwald concentration camp

24 Hitler w/ child

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