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Intellectual Influences on the American Revolution

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1 Intellectual Influences on the American Revolution

2 Intellectual Influences: The Enlightenment
John Locke ( ) English philosopher Influenced Jefferson Natural rights… life, liberty, ownership of property Duty of the state was to protect people’s rights If the state does not… citizens have the right to overthrow (see Declaration of Independence p nd paragraph) Montesquieu ( ) Influenced framers of Constitution Separation of powers **Led colonists to question the authority of the British monarchy

3 Historical Influences
Ancient Greece World’s first democracy… “rule by the people” Ancient Rome (Republic) BCE (Empire) 27 BCE-476 CE Republic… citizens have a right to vote to select a leader Leaders rule in the name of the people Roman Republic had a Senate

4 Common Sense Thomas Paine attacked King George III
Time had come for colonists to proclaim an independent republic Independence was the American destiny Independence would give Americans the chance to create a better society free from tyranny Sold nearly 500,000 copies

5 Common Sense: Liberty Kids

6 Declaration of Independence (1776)

7 The Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776
Basic Rights Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness “consent of governed” Right to overthrow government British Wrongs Disbanding colonial legislatures Sending Brit troops to colonies Independent Nation Free nation Make alliances and trade

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