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Three PEAL paragraphs for each question.

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1 Three PEAL paragraphs for each question.
Year 11 Easter Revision. Explain why there were economic problems in the Weimar Republic from Explain why there was limited support for the Nazis from -The Ruhr -Hitler's imprisonment Hyperinflation -Stresemann Lack of consensus in the Reichstag -Hindenburg Explain why there was a recovery in Germany from Explain why the support for the Nazi party grew from -Dawes Plan -the Wall Street Crash -Young Plan -the Weimar Republic -Rentenmark -Hitler Explain why the Munich Putsch [1923] failed. Explain why Hitler became chancellor in 1933. -Lossow -Lack of consensus in the Reichstag -Lack of Public Support -Von Papen -Police -The Depression Explain how Hitler built a dictatorship from -The Reichstag Fire -The Enabling Act Must include: An argument sentence. Three reasons why……. Three PEAL paragraphs for each question.

2 Use your books and Research:
Describe two features of each of the following. The Norman Church. Anglo-Saxon religion. Anglo-Saxon towns/villages. The Feudal system. William’s army. Norman culture. Stone Castles. Marcher Earldoms. Domesday book. Forest Laws. Lanfranc’s reforms. Tenants-in-chief. Earls’ revolt in 1075. Anglo-Saxon resistance to Norman Control. Harrying of the North Anglo-Saxon government. Witan Rebellions in the North, 1069. Norman government.

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