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Hitler and Power LO: By the end of the lesson you will know the most significant factor that allowed Hitler to become Chancellor.

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Presentation on theme: "Hitler and Power LO: By the end of the lesson you will know the most significant factor that allowed Hitler to become Chancellor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hitler and Power LO: By the end of the lesson you will know the most significant factor that allowed Hitler to become Chancellor

2 Weimar Germany

3 Spartacists

4 Frederick Ebert

5 Freikorps

6 Rosa Luxemburg

7 Wolfgang Kapp

8 Ruhr

9 Gustav Stresemann

10 Dawes Plan

11 Hyperinflation

12 Wall Street Crash 1929

13 Treaty Of Versailles

14 Kiel Mutiny

15 Article 48

16 Locarno Pact

17 Kellogg-Briand pact

18 First World War

19 Weimar Republic

20 Golden age

21 Reichstag

22 The Bauhaus art movement

23 Wandervogel

24 Task 1 ► Answering the question ‘Why did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany’ is not a straight forward one. ► There are lots of reasons, some more important than others. ► Your first task is to read pages 30-33 and produce a spider diagram that shows you understand the various reasons.

25 Why did the Nazi’s become the most popular Party by 1932? Factor 1: The Depression Factor 2: Germans were unhappy with the Weimar Republic Factor 3: Fear of Communism Factor 4: The personality of Adolf Hitler Factor 5: The organisation of the party Task: Using pp.30-33 complete the spider diagram Explain the factor Explain how this factor helped the Nazi’s.

26 How did Hitler become Chancellor? You have 9 factors on cards. All of these factors helped Hitler to become Chancellor of Germany, but which factors were the most important?

27 Hindenbu rg and Von Papen The Effects of the Depressio n The Treaty of Versailles Propagan da Skills Violent Treatmen t of their opponent s Hitler’s speaking skills Support from Big Business Nazi Policies Weaknes s of the Weimar Republic Rank your 9 factors in order of importance – number 1 being the least important and number 9 being the most important when considering: How did Hitler become Chancellor in 1933?

28 Hindenbu rg and Von Papen The Effects of the Depressio n The Treaty of Versailles Propagan da Skills Violent Treatmen t of their opponent s Hitler’s speaking skills Support from Big Business Nazi Policies Weaknes s of the Weimar Republic Stick your choices onto a sheet of A4 paper and justify your decisions IN DETAIL!!

29 om/watch?v=v- gWPmsCAeI&feature=r elated Rise of Hitler – History File

30 By November 1932, the economic depression was beginning to come to an end. Unemployment had started to fall, but still stood at the vast figure of 5 million (27%). It seemed as though the crisis was over. Support for the Nazis fell slightly, but they still remained the largest single party in the Reichstag by far, with 196 seats (33.5% of the total).

31 Homework Part 1 rmany/chancellor.html rmany/chancellor.html Task Go to the link and print the spider diagram Print outs must be stuck into books HWK: to learn this for next lesson for a knowledge test.

32 ‘ Homework Part 2 ’ ‘Hitler’s use of propaganda was the most important reason why he became Chancellor in 1933’ How far do you agree with this view? Explain your answer. [10 Marks]

33 Tips for success… ► Organise your response into paragraphs, for example, you may organise them into the following categories – ► The Great Depression ► Strengths of Hitler personally ► Appeal of the Nazis (policies, organisation etc.) ► Other factors, e.g. weaknesses of Weimar, fear of communism

34 Tips for success… ► Identify at the beginning of the paragraph, what factor helped bring Hitler to power. ► Now FULLY explain that factor in as much detail as you can. Use key terms as much as you can and be specific in your use of supporting detail.

35 Model Paragraph ► “The main reason why Hitler came to power is the Great Depression. When economic crisis struck in 1929, Hitler’s appeal suddenly seemed far more attractive to the German people and they started to vote for him in large numbers. His seats in the Reichstag increased from 12 in 1928 to 107 in 1930. He promised work and food which sounded like paradise to Germans! They did not change what they stood for, but suddenly their message was sent out to a population ready to hear it.”

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