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Industrial Revolution

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1 Industrial Revolution
Began in Europe (Britain) in the mid 1700’s long slow process; production shifts from simple hand tools to complex machines and man power to steam power

2 What triggered the IR new agricultural revolution- fertilizer; Tull (seed drill=straight lines) enclosure movement-taking over and fencing lands of peasant farmers which caused: a. farm laborers lose jobs b. small farmers can't compete c. villages lose populations

3 Steam engine Thomas Newcomen invented 1st steam engine run by coal - very unstable -James Watt safer more reliable steam engine -Agricultural Revolution creates a population explosion -declining death rates -healthier babies -improved medicine (vaccines) -plague faded away

4 Why did the IR begin in Britain?
natural resources- large supply of coal (steam power) and iron (machines) capital and demand-money to invest in factories and demand for products (trading empire) Britains govt. supported economic growth and they had a navy to protect it

5 Textile Industry 1st and largest industry = TEXTILES (clothing/cloth)
-John Kay- flying shuttle- wove cloth fast -James Hargreaves- spinning jenny- spun threads together Before factories work was done at home but new machines were too large and expensive to use at home -1st factories near moving streams to run machines

6 Factories and Problems
rapid urbanization led to filthy streets, no sanitation, disease, poor living conditions 12-16 hour shifts 6 days a week -weary workers = accidents (loss of fingers, limbs, lives) -dirty air (filled with lent -sick or injured = loss of job laborers -many prefer women to men=less money, easy to manage, hours then housework -child labor- as young as 5 years in factories/coal mines; parents approved, needed money

7 Child Labor

8 John Wesley began Methodist church; sympathy for the poor, helped them learn to read, write, and fight for social reforms

9 Thomas Malthus wrote essay saying disaster is eminent; population is increasing faster than the food supply

10 Effects of increased Population
David Ricardo- "iron law of wages" limit the size of families to get ahead -high wages=more children=more laborers=low wages -laissez-faire- no govt. interference in the economy; free enterprise capitalism (Adam Smith) -utilitarians- govt. should step in and help improve lives of the working class -utopians (socialism)- all work and property shared by everyone; no rich/poor

11 Karl Marx Wrote Communist manifesto; struggle between employers and employees (haves vs have nots) Type of socialism (govt. where people as a whole rather than private individuals own all property and operate business Wanted to bring down capitalism Reforms prevented Marxist ideas from coming to reality in most of Europe and North America

12 New technologies 1800’s Henry Bessemer “Bessemer Process” 1856 removed impurities from iron creating steel -Lighter, stronger, more durable -Countries measured success in steel output Alfred Nobel- invents dynamite The Dynamo- machine that generated electricity The light bulb The battery The Steam locomotive

13 Assembly Lines & Interchangeable Parts
1800’s Interchangeable parts began with guns. Identical parts that could be used in place of one another. It simplified assembly and repair 1900’s the assembly line manufacturing goods faster and cheaper. Parts are added to a product as it moves along a belt. Mass production occurred. Henry Ford

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