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Make it a Great Day! Monday, April 10th 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Make it a Great Day! Monday, April 10th 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Make it a Great Day! Monday, April 10th 2017
Warm-up: Please read “An Oil-Rich Region” and “Other Resources” on pg. 490 in the blue book. How are oil and water so important to SW Asia?

2 Make it a Great Day! Monday, April 10th 2017
Agenda: Attendance & Warm-up previewing the essential question Video with guided questions and note-taking on Islam Begin partner assignment on “Black Gold Read Preview & Geographic Setting GeoTerms & Word Picture Cool-Down responding to the essential question Essential Question: What are the basic beliefs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam AND how do those beliefs impact culture? SSWG 3e How might having a valuable natural resource affect a region? SSWGc Materials you will need: Geography Notebook & writing utensil

3 Make it a Great Day! Monday, April 10th 2017
Cool Down: Explain how one basic belief of Islam impacts culture?

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