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Make it a Great Day! Tuesday, April 25th 2017

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1 Make it a Great Day! Tuesday, April 25th 2017
Warm-up: Please read “Managing Population Growth” on pgs in the blue book. Why are large families still considered desirable despite concerns about population? Why is education fundamental to slowing the growth of population? What difficulties are South Asian governments encountering in providing adequate education?

2 Make it a Great Day! Tuesday, April 25th 2017
Agenda: Attendance & Warm-up previewing the essential question Finish Partner lesson on Tech Workers and Time Zones: India’s Comparative Advantage Global Connections NearPod Interactive Lecture Notes on the culture of South Asia Gandhi Cool-Down responding to the essential question Essential Questions: What significant parts and moments in South Asian culture and history have shaped South Asian countries like India today? SSWG 5defg Materials you will need: Geography Notebook & writing utensil Partner Lesson on Tech Workers and Time Zones Green textbook – pgs

3 Make it a Great Day! Tuesday, April 25th 2017
Cool Down: Describe the impact Gandhi has had on South Asia.

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