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Science - Year 3/4B Spring 2

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1 Science - Year 3/4B Spring 2
Plants Greatly Green Growers Session 3 Challenge PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

2 Hello once again from the Greatly Green Growers!
We are all so happy to have you on our team in the growing competition against Croppingwell. Your teacher was telling us all about your amazing experiments to find out what plants need to be as strong and healthy as possible. We can’t wait to find out your results! The Croppingwell Growers won’t be backed up by their own team of scientists so perhaps we will finally have the edge! We will need to start planting soon. Kelvin will explain about all the different categories in the competition.

3 Hello everyone! My name is Kelvin and the group have put me in charge of deciding what we will be planting for the competition. This is where I need your help! We have 3 independent judges (Mrs Bond, Mr Howard and Mr Judkins) who have told us what we need to grow for the competition. The judges are very experienced and fair. We will need to grow fruits, vegetables and flowers in different categories. For each variety we grow, we will need to submit 3 specimens and these should be as closely matched as possible (like these carrots). The judges will award points for specimens that are closely matched and also points for other things as well.

4 As well as matching, marks will be awarded for:
Here are the competition categories given to us by the judges Growing Category As well as matching, marks will be awarded for: Sunflower (a single bloom that the judges will come and measure where it is growing) Height Diameter of flower 2 varieties of vegetable flowers Weight and flavour Leafy greens Size, colour and flavour 2 varieties of salad fruits Colour and flavour Peas and runner beans Length of pod, flavour 1 variety of stem vegetable 2 varieties of tap root vegetables Length of tap root, flavour What are salad fruits? What are stem vegetables? What are tap root vegetables? What are vegetable flowers? The group are rather confused by this table and have a few questions for you to research

5 Please could you do some research on what these categories mean so we can decide what varieties to grow. Thank you!

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