Landmarks By Ms. C. Enriquez.

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Presentation on theme: "Landmarks By Ms. C. Enriquez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landmarks By Ms. C. Enriquez

2 What is a landmark? Let’s see some examples … they might help!!

3 What is this? The Eiffel Tower.

4 In which country do we find …
the Eiffel Tower? France

5 What is this? The Big Ben

6 In which country do we find …
the Big Ben? England

7 What is this? The Colosseum

8 In which country do we find …
the Colosseum? Italy

9 What is this? The Statue of Liberty

10 In which country do we find …
the Statue of Liberty? U.S.A

11 What are these? The Pyramids

12 In which country do we find …
the Pyramids? Egypt

13 What is this? The Parthenon

14 In which country do we find …
the Parthenon? Greece

15 What is a landmark? A landmark is a monument or building that reminds you of a country or city.

16 What is this? The Great Wall

17 In which country do we find …
the Great Wall? China

18 What is this? The Opera House

19 In which country do we find …
the Opera House? Australia

20 What is this? The Taj Mahal

21 In which country do we find …
the Taj Mahal? India

22 What Landmark would you choose for the Maltese islands?


24 Landmarks


26 The Big Ben The Houses of Parliament were the
residence of the Kings of England from the 11th to the 16th Century. The Great Hall is the only surviving medieval element and today it is used by Parliament and other public bodies.

27 The Westminster complex was destroyed by fire in 1834 and replaced by the present
building, which was designed by Sir Charles Barry. The most striking parts of Barry's design are the river front and the 97m clock tower famous for its bell, its unique chimes and its precise timing.

28 Cheop's Pyramid About 4,500 years ago there lived in Cairo, Cheops, a king of Egypt. This king wanted to build a tomb where he was to be buried and he wanted this tomb to be the biggest in the world and so it was. The body of the pharaoh was brought by boat down to the river Nile to be

29 buried in this great tomb
buried in this great tomb. The Egyptians believed in eternal life after death and this could only be enjoyed if the body was preserved. So they developed the art of making mummies that would lie in tombs built to last forever. This tomb is one of about 70 in Egypt still remaining today.

30 The Colosseum The city of Rome has always been famous for
its magnificent buildings. The Romans built fine towns and beautiful roads, palaces and large squares. They loved sports and so in the year 80 A.D. they built an impressive oval arena surrounded by

31 stone seats which could hold 50,000 people
stone seats which could hold 50,000 people. It was used for holding gladiator combats wild animal fights and other shows. We can still see the remains of this old beautiful building where so many races were held and where so many people lost their life.

32 The Eiffel Tower Rising over the city of Paris, on the left side of
the river Seine, stands an iron construction which is the symbol of the French capital. It is a 300m high tower designed and built by the French engineer Gustave Eiffel in the year This iron frame

33 was built on four piers and there are three platforms at different levels. Each platform
can be reached either by stairways or by elevators. A TV transmission antenna is located at the top of the tower.

34 The Great Wall of China A line of earth and brick fortifications that extends 2,400km across northern China from the Gulf of Chihli to Kansu Province. In the late 3rd century BC the first continuous wall was built by linking earlier sections. This demarcates Chinese territory It was only

35 partially effective in preventing invasions from the north
partially effective in preventing invasions from the north. Troops, summoned by watchtower beacons, could race quickly along the top to fight any invader. Nowadays, gates through the wall near Beijing became centres of trade and of contact with northern nomads.

36 The Neolithic Temples The first men in the Maltese Islands used to
worship the goddess of fertility. They made statues and built temples in the shape of a fat lady, where they could worship their goddess. It is extraordinary how these first men, as early as 3000

37 B.C., managed to build such places with enormous huge rocks, weighing approximately
50 tons, without any machines to help them. These sites are today visited by a large number of tourists and are considered as sites of national and world heritage.

38 The Opera House This is Sydney's most famous building. It is
the work of the Danish architect Jorn Utzon. It sits on a promontory extending into the Harbour and resembles a series of immense, wind-filled sails. It was opened in 1973 and described as 'the biggest

39 environmental site-specific structure south of the Equator'
environmental site-specific structure south of the Equator'. It is the performing arts centre of Sydney, Australia. It contains a large concert hall for the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, a theatre for opera and ballet, a smaller theatre for plays, a cinema and recording studios.

40 The Parthenon Perhaps the most graceful temples of the ancient world were those built by the Greeks with rows of perfectly balanced columns. In the Greek city of Athens, on a hill about 150m high known as the Acropolis, lies the temple of Athena the goddess of wisdom. Made of white

41 marble the temple was completed in the year 432 B. C
marble the temple was completed in the year 432 B.C. and remained in good condition until 1687 when it was damaged by an explosion. Today this temple is no longer for the worship of ancient gods. Instead its remains are crowded with tourists who came to learn a little about life long ago.

42 The Statue of Liberty Standing at the entrance of New York Harbour is a colossal statue. It has the form of a woman wearing flowing robes and a spiked crown on her head. It holds a torch in her right hand and carries in her left one a book on which is written July 4, The 46m high statue was

43 designed by Gustave Eiffel and sculpted by Frederic Bartholdi
designed by Gustave Eiffel and sculpted by Frederic Bartholdi. The statue was given by the French Government to the Americans in the year 1886 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of America's independence.

44 The Taj Mahal It is one of the most famous buildings in the world. A white marble mausoleum in Agra, India, located on the Jumna River. It was built between the years 1632 and 1643 by the emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It is regarded as one of the finest

45 example of Mogul architecture
example of Mogul architecture. It is a domed building laid in perfect symmetry with an area of 29 square meters. The unique qualities of this monument lie in the magnificent contrast between the white marble facade of the mausoleum and the red sandstone of the surrounding buildings.

46 Landmarks

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