Names and affiliation of involved partners

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1 Names and affiliation of involved partners
Review Workshop on Swiss Food Research Call 2019 – xxxx(month).yy(day), 2019 Project Title / Project Number Names and affiliation of involved partners The information presented is confidential and all rights remain with the presenting party – SFR Review Workshop 2019

2 Overview 1 – 1 to 2 slides Please include one or a few of the following topics: Motivation for project (Technology breakthrough? Team composition? Others?) Scientific goals – What makes the project innovative / unique? How does your idea differentiate from state of the art? What are the challenges? What hurdles do you expect? Own product and technology – what is your know how in that area? The information presented is confidential and all rights remain with the presenting party – SFR Review Workshop 2019

3 Product / USP/ Market Potential – 2 to 3 slides
Please include one or a few of the following topics: Let’s jump to the end and imagine the product is finally developed – how would you describe it and how would you position it and why? This MUST be covered! - What are the Unique selling propositions of the “product”? What makes the project unique? What are the added values for the customers? What creates the gap to the competition? What are prices & costs? Cost positioning compared to others? MUST be covered! - Market to be addressed – Where are the markets? Who are the customers? The information presented is confidential and all rights remain with the presenting party – SFR Review Workshop 2019

4 Market Potential / Business Case – 1 to 2 slides
Please include one or a few of the following topics: Let’s jump to the end and imagine the product is finally developed – how would you describe it and how would you position it and why? Attractiveness of market – What is the size of the market? Who else is playing in that market? What are the margins that can be achieved in that market? Presentation of products and technologies which are competition of own product proposal Estimated price which customer might pay and why Rough cost estimate for a certain volume - how does this compare to competing products? The information presented is confidential and all rights remain with the presenting party – SFR Review Workshop 2019

5 Current Status – 1-2 slides
What has been achieved so far? What work was done? Highly relevant – identify potential killers Patent search – What is the situation? Are there potential threads? State of the art Is such a product or a similar product already existing in the market? How would your idea / product differ from the existing product? Price & costs Values / properties / matching needs How successful is the existing product in the market? Market share / Sales volume / global or regional presence / Distribution channels How do you want to beat it? The information presented is confidential and all rights remain with the presenting party – SFR Review Workshop 2019

6 Next Steps – show project plan – 1 slide
Milestones Actions What should be achieved by the grant received and till when? What is the bigger picture – is there a larger project planned? Is there a subsequent project possible? What would be its contents? Why would it be innovative? The information presented is confidential and all rights remain with the presenting party – SFR Review Workshop 2019

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