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H OW TO A NALYZE A T ELEVISION C OMMERCIAL Business Essentials (Unit 11) Ms. Hawkins Source: Understand Media (Santa Monica College, California State University)

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Presentation on theme: "H OW TO A NALYZE A T ELEVISION C OMMERCIAL Business Essentials (Unit 11) Ms. Hawkins Source: Understand Media (Santa Monica College, California State University)"— Presentation transcript:

1 H OW TO A NALYZE A T ELEVISION C OMMERCIAL Business Essentials (Unit 11) Ms. Hawkins Source: Understand Media (Santa Monica College, California State University) commercial

2 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL Some Statistics... 98.1% of American households have a television, while 99% of people in America can read. This means that being able to read barely beats out having a television in your home. Most of us were taught to read when we were very young, but did we ever learn how to watch television?

3 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL What is a Commercial Ad? It is a span of television programming produced and paid for by an organization that conveys a message, typically one intended to market a product. It is a selling tool and reflects the business needs of the corporations that pay for it. Advertisements are also cultural indicators, though often distorted ones. Public Service Announcements (PSAs) convey messages to promote the public good.

4 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL Why Commercials? They are the main ways for a television station to make moneythe station sells commercial time.

5 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL How Do Commercials Impact Us? Buy things we don't need Vote a way we might not normally vote Desire a lifestyle that we wouldn't necessarily agree with

6 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL Why Analyze Commercials? So we dont get snookered and WASTE MONEY!!!.

7 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL AnalysisSeven Things to Consider What is the product or service being sold? Can you easily figure out what the product is? Is there a product? What attributes and qualities of the product or service is the commercial trying to sell?

8 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL AnalysisSeven Things to Consider Who is the company sponsoring the product or service being sold? Can you easily figure out who the sponsoring company is? Is this a new product or service for this company?

9 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL AnalysisSeven Things to Consider Who is this commercial aimed towards (target market)? Who is the sponsoring company trying to sell to? Consider demographic characteristics such as age, gender, income, educational level, etc. What are some examples of target markets? White women in their 30s (race and age) Divorced males (family status) Senior citizens (age) African-American teenagers (race and age)

10 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL AnalysisSeven Things to Consider What is the message of the commercial? What is the central idea that the creators of the commercial want the target audience to believe? Examples: This face cream will make you look younger and feel more attractive If you shop at our supermarket you will save a lot of money

11 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL AnalysisSeven Things to Consider How does the commercial try to get your attention? What methods are the advertisers using to make us interested? What Persuasive Methods are used (see class handout)

12 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL AnalysisSeven Things to Consider How does the commercial try to get your attention? (continued)... Does it use flashy graphics with fast music? Does it alter the way we see the world, either through the use of special effects or through the story line?

13 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL AnalysisSeven Things to Consider How does the soundtrack play a role in your interpretation of the commercial? Is the music cheery, dreary, suspenseful, whimsical, fun, or exciting? Does the music affect our perception of the mood? Is there a voice-over of someone telling us something? Would our perception of the voice change if the voice was of a different gender or race? Does the commercial jingle stick in your head?

14 H OW TO ANALYZE A TELEVISION COMMERCIAL AnalysisSeven Things to Consider How do the actors playing the characters affect your interpretation of the commercial? Would your interpretation change if the characters were of a different race or gender? What if the characters dressed differently or spoke differently? How would that change your perception of the character?

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