Comparing European Governments:

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1 Comparing European Governments:
United Kingdom, European Union Germany, & Russia

2 Standard SS6CG5 Explain the structure of modern European governments.
a. Compare the parliamentary system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom), the federal system of the Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), and the federation of the Russian Federation (Russia), distinguishing the form of leadership and the role of the citizen in terms of voting and personal freedoms

3 The Parliamentary System of the United Kingdom

4 The United Kingdom is a Parliamentary Democracy…
Its main roles are: Examining and challenging the work of the government Debating and passing all laws (legislation) Enabling the government to raise taxes (controls taxes)

5 Parliament’s Two House System
The business of Parliament takes place in two Houses: 1. House of Commons 2. House of Lords

6 The House of Commons Citizens elect members of the House of Commons
The political party with the most votes chooses the Prime Minister. The House of Commons is responsible for making laws for the country.

7 The House of Lords plays an important part in revising legislation and keeping a check on government The House of Lords has little power. Most members of the House of Lords are nobles who have inherited their titles.

8 Leadership 1. Prime Minister 2. Head of State (King or Queen)
This role is the real head of government. He or she is the leader of the Parliament and is the chief executive of the country. 2. Head of State (King or Queen) This role is only symbolic; the Head of State holds very little political power. Although, the Queen is an important symbol of national unity.

9 The Federal System of the Federal Republic of Germany

10 Germany’s Democracy: Like the United States, Germany is a “federal republic” a national government and state governments share powers. Technically, it’s government is a Federal Parliamentary Representative Democratic Republic…whew! (You don’t have to write this one down!)

11 Leadership/ Germany 1. Chancellor:
This is the real head of government, similar to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He or she is chosen by Parliament, and is the chief executive of the country. 2. President: Chosen by a federal convention. Germany’s president has very little power, and mainly carries out ceremonial duties.

12 Don’t copy this information. Just read it.
Former President Bush welcomes German Chancellor Angela Merkel to the Oval Office She is the 1st woman and the first East German to hold this position

13 Parliament’s Two Houses
1. Bundesrat (Upper House) Mainly an advisory council, but must approve laws and amendments Holds little political power Representatives are not elected directly by the people 2. Bundestag (Lower House) The citizens vote for & elect members to this House. Holds most of Germany’s political power. Members elect the Chancellor.

14 Russian Federation

15 Russia’s Democracy After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia became a democracy. The citizens elect the nation’s leaders. Like the United States, Russia is a “federal republic” the power is divided between national and state governments with a president who leads the nation

16 The Federal Assembly Russia
This is the Parliament of the Russian Federation. It consists of two chambers: 1. The Federation Council (Upper House) Selected by government officials Power is limited 2. The State Duma (Lower House) Chosen by the people Main legislative branch

17 Leadership Russia The 1993 constitution created a dual executive branch that consists of a Prime Minister and a President, but the president is the dominant figure. President Head of state- Commander-in-Chief Chosen by the people Leader of country Prime Minister Chosen by President- approved by Duma


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