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2.6 How can we reduce the impacts of climate change?

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1 2.6 How can we reduce the impacts of climate change?


3 It has been recognised by climate authorities that global warming is possibly the most important issue impacting on life on Earth at this time and into the future. The burning of fossil fuels, which generate greenhouse gases, is causing the atmosphere to heat up, and it is believed that a sustainable future, in terms of energy use, can be achieved only by reducing the consumption of energy and/or switching to renewable energy forms. While use of fossil fuels is a significant factor in global warming, it should also be realised that there are a number of other human activities that lead to greenhouse gas emissions. 2.6.1 Fossil fuels

4 Fossil fuels have been widely used for energy production by human societies since the Industrial Revolution. Burning of wood in fires was the earliest use of fuels, and today coal, oil and gas are the fossil fuels of choice. Much of the energy used in society today for transport, domestic use and all forms of industry is from electricity generated by power stations using fossil fuels.


6 Many countries throughout the world are now using or developing sustainable energy industries.
The USA, for example, has established the Clean Energy Plan and currently produces 0.54% of its energy needs from solar power, with renewable energy sources comprising 13% of its total electricity generation. In Europe, Germany has made great progress in harnessing renewable energy sources, which today provide 78% of its power needs. Solar energy alone provides 50% of this amount.

7 In Australia, with expansive desert regions, there is huge potential to generate solar power.
In recent years, the installation of solar panels for domestic households has increased, and this has been supported by a Federal Government subsidy scheme, however, currently solar energy accounts for only 0.1% of Australia’s total energy requirements. In other renewable energy fields, wind farms have become more widespread in southern Australia, and there are companies investigating the potential for geothermal energy production.

8 2.6.3 What can be done in the future?
In 2015, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed the 2007 recommendations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The recommendations cover a wide range of human activities, with suggestions for management to mitigate global warming (see table 1). 2.6.3 What can be done in the future?


10 Economic, Social and environmental consequences of mitigation…
For each of the mitigation actions shown in table 1 there are economic, social and environmental consequences. For example, considering the ‘developing safer and cleaner nuclear energy’ action, there may be positive economic consequences, such as the creation of energy security and job opportunities, but also negative consequences, such as the cost of waste disposal. Similarly, the social and environmental consequences may be positive, such as reduced air pollution, and negative, such as nuclear accidents. Economic, Social and environmental consequences of mitigation…

11 Complete qns 1-5 and 7-9 from p31 of the pdf text in handwriting in your binder book.
Source: Jacplus Y10 Geog text 2017.

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