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Presentation on theme: "Space Probe ASSIGNMENT:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Probe ASSIGNMENT:
Develop a “Space Probe” out of recycled or reusable materials. Use a real space probe as your model. List items below that you think you might use. Tie a string securely to your probe before bringing it to school. _________________________________________________ 2. Choose a destination to “Send” your probe to. Research and record facts about your destination, including your source. Record numerous facts. Write a paragraph using the template on the back of this paper. Be sure and write from the perspective of your probe. The first sentence should sound something like; “This is the space probe BUDDAKAN reporting in from (your destination).

2 _______________________
SPACE PROBE PARAGRAPH Destination And Introduction Including the name of the probe _______________________ Fact One: Source: Fact Two: ______________________________________________ Fact Three Fact Four: Source Fact Five Conclusion and Sign off, Include future destination FCAs: Paragraph Structure, 5+ Accurate facts, GPS

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