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The implementation of the HIRMEOS Annotation Service

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1 The implementation of the HIRMEOS Annotation Service
Rowan Hatherley, Ubiquity Press

2 as part of the HIRMEOS project allows open annotation of the web This includes book content that is displayed on the web One of the goals of the HIRMEOS project involves the implementation of into the partner sites

3 as part of the HIRMEOS project
Implementation on five different publisher platforms 5 different software platforms Mix of proprietary and open source: OMP, Dspace, etc. Different formats - PDF, HTML, EPUB client / server model (REST API and JavaScript frontend libraries) allowed us to overcome the differences between platforms

4 as part of the HIRMEOS project
Regarding annotations, the HIRMEOS project aims to: Give publishers an easy way to integrate annotations in HTML, ePub and PDF Measure the annotations on each work Show the annotation metrics in a web widget

5 Overview of this talk Give an overview of HIRMEOS metrics and altmetrics services Show how integration fits into the the altmetrics service Go through the implementation of Show an example of how annotations can be retrieved using the Altmetrics API

6 Metrics structure overview:

7 Metrics structure overview:

8 Metrics structure overview:
Two services, developed separately.

9 Annotation is part of the Altmetrics service:
[diagram needs updating] - crossref cited_by will move to the metrics service, as it requires authentication. For every DOI or URL in the database, we query every external service every day. We have created a framework for adding further plugins easily. We dropped facebook, as it was no longer possible to query the posts. The altmetrics database stores all NEW events for each DOI/URL and external service. There is a table in the altmetrics database, which stores the total number of events for each external service for each DOI/URL. The metrics API queries the total table, if you just want a summary (quick) - or it will query the full historical table if you want for example to graph the number of tweets over time. Currently there is a separate database for the altmetrics, from the views and downloads metrics. The altmetrics data will be pushed to the metrics database API.

10 Implementation of
Annotations are stored by Annotations are associated with the URL of the page Not enough to uniquely identify published content Need a way to collect annotations by DOI

11 The Dublin Core meta tag links a page URL to a DOI
CrossRef Event Data uses Dublin Core meta tag to associate page at specific URL to a DOI Adding Dublin Core Meta to all pages where annotation is active enables Event Data to associate annotations to DOI

12 Embedded JavaScript libraries
To embed into an HTML page, the following script needs to be added to the page: <script src=" async></script> Additional JavaScript libraries are needed for EPUB and PDF readers

13 UP sponsors a CDN to serve required JavaScript libraries to lower entry barrier for new partners
With the exception of the library: All the required libraries are available from the same resource All the required libraries are tied to a specific version of the bundle and can be upgraded together The CDN manager (Ubiquity Press) will take care of creating new bundles when the libraries are upgraded This will happen consistently with the developments in the libraries and the related platforms (

14 These libraries can be accessed at the following links
More info available at:

15 Dublin core meta tag allows CrossRef to link a URL to a DOI
Annotation workflow Dublin core meta tag allows CrossRef to link a URL to a DOI JavaScript libraries allow annotation on ebook pages, which are stored by

16 Implementation of annotations on different platforms

17 Implementation by OpenEdition Books
OpenEdition allows reading of books in HTML format The Dublin Core meta tags containing the DOI have been embedded into these HTML reader pages for each book To enable annotation, the the JS library for has been embedded in the HTML of the books

18 Implementation by OpenEdition Books

19 Implementation by OAPEN Library
The implementation on the OAPEN Library is mostly based on the publications in PDF format The meta tags containing the DOI have been embedded in the HTML landing page of each book. This page links to a PDF viewer, which has the embedded script to allow allowing end users to annotate the text

20 Implementation by OAPEN Library
Link to PDF viewer

21 Implementation by OAPEN Library

22 Example: How annotations can be retrieved using the Altmetrics API
Open: The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science, by Rajiv Jhangiani , Robert Biswas-Diener (eds.) Book doi: /bbc

23 API call to the HIRMEOS Altmetrics service
DOI: /bbc There are 4 annotation events associated with this DOI Links to these are shown as subject_id API Call: localhost:5000/api/eventset/?origin=hypothesis&uri= /bbc

24 Zooming in to a specific event

25 Zooming in to a specific event

26 This refers to a specific annotation

27 Summary has been implemented by different partner sites in the HIRMEOS project Embedded JavaScript libraries Dublin Core meta tag This allows Annotations to be made on published content These annotation are stored by

28 Summary CrossRef Event Data retrieves annotation events from the API, and links them to book DOIs The HIRMEOS Altmetrics service retrieves annotations both from CrossRef Event Data and the API These annotation metrics will be displayed in a web widget, as part of the HIRMEOS metrics project

29 Additional documentation
We provide documentation giving a brief overview of the implementing the annotation on the publisher-side: Documentation on the metrics implementation will be added shortly

30 Thank you for your time and attention
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask

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