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How does it work? The evidence for radios effectiveness.

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Presentation on theme: "How does it work? The evidence for radios effectiveness."— Presentation transcript:

1 How does it work? The evidence for radios effectiveness

2 Radio effectiveness – the headline findings How ad avoidance challenges media effectiveness How radio successfully combines with other media

3 The Awareness Multiplier The Sales Multiplier Radio effectiveness – the headline findings

4 The Awareness Multiplier How did we conduct the research?

5 Radio lifts advertising awareness by 3% for every 100 ratings Ave. Source: Millward Brown Brand Awareness index

6 Radio is four times more cost-effective than TV Source: Millward Brown

7 The Sales Multiplier Radio effectiveness – the headline findings

8 The Sales Multiplier How did we conduct the research?

9 Radio lifts sales by 2.2% for every 100 ratings Source: dunnhumby Ave. Average = 2.2%

10 The evidence for radios effectiveness Radio effectiveness – the headline findings How ad avoidance challenges media effectiveness How radio successfully combines with other media

11 Advertising is increasingly ubiquitous

12 65% AGREE There are so many commercial messages these days it is overwhelming

13 Source: Clark Chapman Research % of ads by medium which are hard avoided by medium High levels of ad avoidance hinder outreach in traditional media

14 % of ads which are hard avoided by medium Source: Clark Chapman Research % of ads by medium which are hard avoided by medium High levels of ad avoidance hinder outreach in traditional media

15 Source: Clark Chapman Research % of ads by medium which are hard avoided by medium High levels of ad avoidance hinder outreach in traditional media

16 Source: Clark Chapman Research Even higher ad avoidance for internet advertising BannersPopups % of ads by medium which are hard avoided by medium

17 The evidence for radios effectiveness Radio effectiveness – the headline findings How ad avoidance challenges media effectiveness How radio successfully combines with other media

18 Radio and TV

19 Radio and TV Low ad avoidance gives radio greater outreach * Exposure = total reach of 16-44s, net = reach adjusted for avoidance levels Sources: Rajar, Barb, Caviar (15-44), Clark Chapman 21.3m 23.1m Total exposure*Net exposure* 15.9m 17.5m

20 Different modes and mindsets

21 Sainsburys Getting front of mind at relevant times 41% picked up a recipe card

22 What happens when 10% of a TV campaign is redeployed to radio? Radio and TV +15% Source: The Awareness Multiplier, Millward Brown

23 Radio and newspapers

24 IN-MARKET AUDIENCE (ready to respond now) Radio and newspapers Ad avoidance challenges an advertisers ability to reach new consumers Source: RAB

25 IN-MARKET AUDIENCE (ready to respond now) PRESS RADIO Radio and newspapers Ad avoidance challenges an advertisers ability to reach new consumers Source: RAB

26 WIDER AUDIENCE (not yet ready to respond) IN-MARKET AUDIENCE (ready to respond now) PRESS RADIO Radio and newspapers Ad avoidance challenges an advertisers ability to reach new consumers Source: RAB

27 WIDER AUDIENCE (not yet ready to respond) IN-MARKET AUDIENCE (ready to respond now) The effect of ad avoidance PRESS RADIO Radio and newspapers Ad avoidance challenges an advertisers ability to reach new consumers

28 Source: RAB WIDER AUDIENCE (not yet ready to respond) IN-MARKET AUDIENCE (ready to respond now) The effect of ad avoidance PRESS RADIO Radio and newspapers Radios low ad avoidance enables it to get messages under the radar

29 What happens when 50% of press ads are redeployed to radio? Source: RAEL, The Benefits of Synergy Radio and newspapers

30 Source: RAEL – The benefits of synergy. Base c 100 respondents per group Radio and newspapers Unaided brand recall increases threefold 25% 70% Newspapers onlyRadio and newspapers

31 Radio and the internet

32 Source: Other Lines of Enquiry Base: 523 A high proportion of broadband users are listening to radio when online

33 Radio and the internet are natural partners… The internet is best at… Helping me find information Saving me time and trouble Giving me what I want when I want it Radio is best at… Keeping me company Helping me to relax Making me feel happy

34 What happens when 50% of internet ads are redeployed to radio? Radio and the internet Source: RAEL – Radio and the Internet Study

35 Radio and the Internet Unaided brand recall increases four-fold Source: RAEL – Radio and the Internet Study Base c 800 respondent Internet onlyRadio and internet 6% 27%

36 Radio prompts follow-up online Source: Other Lines of EnquiryBase: 310 who listen to radio when online

37 Radio multiplies traffic to brand sites Source: University of Lancaster. Base: 55 % visiting test brand sites

38 Radio and price promotions

39 Brand I Radio vs. competitor price promo Total Volume Source: dunnhumby % change vs. period preceding promotion

40 Brand I Radio vs. competitor price promo Total Volume Source: dunnhumby % change vs. period preceding promotion

41 Brand I Radio vs. competitor price promo Source: dunnhumby % change vs. period preceding promotion Total Volume

42 Brand I Radio + own price promotion Source: dunnhumby % change vs. period preceding promotion

43 Brand I Radio + own price promotion Source: dunnhumby % change vs. period preceding promotion

44 Source: dunnhumby % change vs. period preceding promotion Brand I Radio + own price promotion

45 Radio in isolation

46 Radio with TV = + 15% prompted awareness Radio with newspapers = + 180% unaided brand recall Radio with internet = + 350% unaided brand recall Radio with price promos = + 27% more customers Radios multiplier effect + 180% + 350% + 15% + 27%

47 Thank you Research sources: The Awareness Multiplier Study (RAB/Millward Brown) The Sales Multiplier Study (RAB/dunnhumby) You cant close your ears (RAB/Clark Chapman) The benefits of synergy (RAEL) Radio & online (RAB/IAB/Other Lines of Enquiry) Radio and the internet (RAEL) For further information go to:

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