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Employee Health, Wellness, and Welfare

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1 Employee Health, Wellness, and Welfare
Jade Raie Melissa Sanchez

2 Mental Health Problems: abnormal psychological patterns that affect how individuals feel, think, behave EAP: Employee Assistance Programs are employer-sponsored benefit programs that provide employees with free access to various resources, such as short-term counseling and referrals, and are designed to help employees deal with personal and/or work-related problems.

3 What EAP’s are you offered in your workplace? Do you use any of them?
QUESTION FOR What EAP’s are you offered in your workplace? Do you use any of them?

4 Previous research → EAP’s one of the costliest issues → 98% of companies offer EAP’s, less than a 4% utilization rate.

5 Significance Financial losses Environment -Your brand
l health problems can lead to cognitive and affective impairments, compromised job performance, and degradations in interpersonal relationships if not treated Mental health in employees are associated with extreme financial losses. What does this say about culture/enviornement/ mental health discussions? This Reflects negatively on Management teams.

6 Issue How do we convince our workplace leaders to recognize and promote mental health and increase employees’ willingness to seek out resources? ANSWER: TRAINING AND BEHAVIOR

7 How it was conducted SOS Scale: The “Signs of Struggle” scale has 5 factors with the frequency scale ranging from 1 to 5.

8 Results

9 Participants: Employees: N= 618 Bank Private University
Wholesale Supplier Public University In this study there were 618 participants from 4 different organizations in the Southern area of the United States, each other an employee wellness program Used a quantitative survey Designed to examine relationships among leadership support for health promotion, wellness program participation, job stress, and positive health behaviors. Conducted by 5 experts, including human resource managers and wellness coordinators

10 Regression Analysis According to that hierarchical regression analysis, it revealed a statistically significant model. With leadership support for health promotion (b 0.19, t 4.39, P .001), wellness activity participation (b 0 .28, t 6.95, P < .001), and job stress (b - .27, t 6.75, P .001) found to be significant predictors of health behaviors in the model.

11 Hypothesis Model Health Benefits Leadership Support +β=0.19 -β=-0.27
Job Stress +β=0.28 Wellness Participation

12 The Impact of Organizational Leadership Support
Engages Employees Less Stress Reduces Health Care Cost Positive attitudes Research suggest that participation rates in worksite wellness programs tend to be low and that generally the healthiest and least stressed employees have greater participation rates than the most stressed employees who report the greatest health risks. Job Sites should offer wellness programs Health promotion support from organizational leaders positively related to employee participation in wellness activities.

13 Group Take Away Important for organizations to offer wellness programs and effectively communicate communicate through monthly newsletters, team meetings Leaders need to promote healthful behaviors so that employees are influenced Companies need to offer specific certification processes and administer emotionally intelligent exams.

14 Our Experiences

15 Questions/Comments? Thank you

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