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2 Most historians call it The Battle at Seven Oaks
15 min. 1 metis died, 20 settlers Most historians call it The Battle at Seven Oaks The Métis call it The Victory at Frog Plain.

3 Merger of the HBC and NWC
By 1820, both companies were almost bankrupt from competing with each other. In 1821, the British government forced companies to merge (they were scared they would lose the Northwest), and keep the name the HBC. There were not enough furs in the Northwest to support 2 companies

4 The Red River Valley, The Red River Valley became peaceful for several decades It was isolated, but very self-sufficient: The population was Métis, Scottish colonists, and employees of the new HBC The Métis made 80% of the population

5 The Red River Settlement in the 1860s
Fur trade decreasing More colonists Economic problems: crop failures Less successful bison hunts The HBC was less interested in the area

6 Canada Purchases Rupert’s Land
HBC: Rupert’s Land was too expensive to control No one asked the people living in the Red River Settlement (Colonists, Métis, Natives) In 1868 government surveyors arrived into the Red River Valley Believed the Métis farm land beside the rivers were not legally owned

7 In pairs, define the following terms: Resistance Rebellion Revolution
What is in a word? In pairs, define the following terms: Resistance Rebellion Revolution


9 Louis Riel What kind of a person can lead a rebellion?

10 Louis Riel RIEL AT 14 Métis, He was sent to Montreal to become a lawyer, He was fluent in both English and French, and an excellent speaker. At 24, he would become the leader of the Métis

11 1869 Surveyors are stopped Surveyors were on a Métis farm
Riel and other Métis came to tell them they were trespassing One Métis stepped on the surveyor’s chain, and forced them to leave Riel formed the National Métis Committee to fight for Métis land and rights

12 Provisional Government
They had “sovereign rights”: The right to rule and govern themselves He ignored them, and the next day the Committee took control of Fort Garry, and took their weapons and ammunition.

13 “Doctor” John Christian Schultz
Not a real Doctor. He created an anti-Métis group called the “Canadian Party” Formed a group: attacked Fort Garry but failed and Riel kept them prisoner and Schultz managed to escape.

14 The Orange Order Protestant Anti-French Anti-Catholic Anti-Metis

15 Riel Takes Action Riel arrested John Schultz and 48 other people from his Canadian Party He put them in prison in Upper Fort Garry

16 Tried again in March of 1870, scott was captured and convicted of treason  convicted in front of a military tribunal

17 The Execution of Thomas Scott
Examine this picture. Who do you think drew it? What do you think is their opinion?

18 Riel escaped to the United States

19 … the province of Manitoba. It became part of Confederation in 1870


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