AQA History Exam Paper 1: Understanding the Modern World

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1 AQA History Exam Paper 1: Understanding the Modern World
50% 1 hour 45 minutes Section A: America 6 compulsory questions (40 marks) Section B: Conflict and tension 4 compulsory questions Paper 2: Shaping the nation 50% 1 hour 45 minutes Section A: Britain: health and the people 4 compulsory questions (40 marks) Section B: Elizabethan England c

2 AQA History Exam 4 marks = 5 mins = 1 para = 1-2 points
8 marks = 10 mins = 2 para = 2 points (summary conclusion) 12 marks = 15 mins = 3 para = 2 points and judgement (3 points) 16 marks = 20 mins = 4 para = 3 points and judgement (4 points) SAME FOR PAPER 1 AND 2

3 What? Why? Impact? What? Why? Impact? “Slinky” 1. 2. 3. 4.
Main or point from the question Point (QintoS): Explain (LaeBQ): Link between paragraphs 2. Point (QintoS): Explain (LaeBQ): What? Why? Impact? What? Why? Impact? Link between paragraphs 3. Point (QintoS): Explain (LaeBQ): Do these points have anything in common e.g. all to do with love, money, power, religion…? 4. Overall judgement Why is one more important than the others?

4 Source/ Interpretation “Utility grid” 6. Useful? 5. Where/audience?
4. Why? 3. Who? 2. When? 1. What? “Utility grid” Source/ Interpretation

5 Paper 1

6 Question 1 (5 mins) America
Paper 1 Section A America Question (5 mins) Interpretation A Provenance “Interpretation.” Interpretation B Provenance “Interpretation.” QUESTION How does Interpretation B differ from Interpretation A about ____________________? Explain your answer using Interpretations A and B. (4 marks) Interpretation B says… In comparison Interpretation A says… Expectation Mark Identify (1-2) differences based on their content 1-2 Explain (1-2) differences based on their content 3-4

7 Question 2 (5 mins) America Paper 1 Section A
Interpretation A Provenance “Interpretation.” Interpretation B Provenance “Interpretation.” QUESTION Why might the authors of Interpretations A and B have a different interpretation about _________________? Explain your answer using the Interpretations A and B and your contextual knowledge. (4 marks) Interpretation B might have this view because… Interpretation A might have this view because… Expectation Mark Identify (1-2) differences based on their provenance 1-2 Explain (1-2) differences based on their provenance 3-4

8 Question 3 (10 mins) America Paper 1 Section A
Interpretation A Provenance “Interpretation.” Interpretation B Provenance “Interpretation.” QUESTION Which interpretation do you find more convincing about ____________________? Explain your answer using the Interpretations A and B and your contextual knowledge. (8 marks) Interpretation A is convincing because… Interpretation B is convincing/less convincing because… The most convincing is ____ because…. Expectation Mark Basic analysis of interpretation(s) based on pupil contextual knowledge e.g. Interpretation A is convincing as it agrees with what I know about X and Interpretation B is convincing because of what I know about Y. 1-2 Simple evaluation of one interpretation based on contextual knowledge and supported with fact 3-4 Developed evaluation of both interpretations based on contextual knowledge and fact 5-6 Complex evaluation of both interpretations based on contextual knowledge and fact AND judge which is more convincing in relation to the other 7-8

9 Question 4 (5 mins) America
Paper 1 Section A America Question (5 mins) QUESTION Describe two ____________faced by _________________on/travelling to_________________. (4 marks) Expectation Mark Identify two (problems) 1-2 Explain two specific (problems) (problem, why it was a problem for them) 3-4 One problem faced by ____ was___. This was a problem because… Another problem faced by _____ was_______. This was a problem because…

10 Question 5 (10 mins) America
Paper 1 Section A America Question (10 mins) QUESTION In what ways were ____________affected by _________________? Explain your answer. (8 marks) Expectation Mark Identify two changes 1-2 Explain one change and its impact 3-4 Explain two changes and their impact 5-6 Compare how affected at the beginning in comparison to the end 7-8 At first _______ were ______ affected by ______ because… Later on/in the end______were affected by ___________because…

11 Question 6 (15 mins) America QUESTION Paper 1 Section A
Which of the following was the more important reason why/for ____________________: ____________ ____________? Explain your answer with reference to both reasons. (12 marks) _______ was an important reason why ________ because…. In conclusion, _________ was a more important reason why ______ than ______because… Expectation Mark Identify one reason for each bullet point 1-3 Explain reasons for one bullet point 4-6 Explain reasons for both bullet points 7-9 Judge which reason was the more important in relation to the other 10-12

12 Question 7 (5 mins) Conflict and Tension QUESTION
Paper 1 Section B Conflict and Tension Question (5 mins) Source D Provenance Source QUESTION Study Source A. Source A is critical of/opposes/supports _________. How do you know? Explain your answer by using Source A and your contextual knowledge. (4 marks) Source A opposes ______ because it shows/says _________. Source A opposes ______ because it was written when/by/in order to/for________. Expectation Mark Identify two points based on content and/or provenance 1-2 Explain two points based on content and/or provenance 3-4

13 Question 8 (15 mins) Conflict and Tension QUESTION
Paper 1 Section B Conflict and Tension Question (15 mins) Source E Provenance Source Source F Provenance Source QUESTION Study Sources B and C. How useful are Sources B and C to a historian studying __________________? Explain your answer using Sources B and C and your contextual knowledge. (12 marks) Source B is useful because…. Source C is useful because…. Source ___ is more useful that Source ___ because… Expectation Mark Basic analysis of source(s) based on content and/or provenance 1-3 Simple evaluation of the utility of one source based on content and/or provenance 4-6 Developed evaluation of the utility of both sources based on content and/or provenance 7-9 Complex evaluation of the utility of both sources based on content and/or provenance AND judge which has greater value in terms of utility in relation to the other (author expertise, detached objectivity etc) 10-12

14 Question 9 (10 mins) Conflict and Tension
Paper 1 Section B Conflict and Tension Question (10 mins) QUESTION Write an account of how/why___________ increased international tension. (8 marks) Expectation Mark Identify causes 1-2 Explain one cause and its consequence 3-4 Explain two causes and their consequences 5-6 Analyse how/why tension increased at different stages (explain how one cause led to another/link between causes e.g. this then increased tension and led to…) 7-8 One cause of _____ was_____. This was significant is causing _____ because… This then increased tension/led to another cause which was ______. This was significant is causing ____because…

15 Question 10 (20 mins) Conflict and Tension Paper 1 Section B
_________________was the main reason ___________________. How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. (16 marks) Expectation Mark Identify reasons 1-4 Explain one reason (or more) (start with reason in the question) 5-8 Explain one reason (or more) (start with reason in the question) AND explain another reason (or more) 9-12 Judge which reason was the main reason in relation to the other(s) 13-16 _____ was the main reason ____ because…. Another reason was ______. This was significant because… A final reason was _____. This was significant because… In conclusion, ______ was/was not the main reason _________ because…This is more important than the other reasons because…

16 Paper 2

17 Question 1 (10 mins) Medicine QUESTION Paper 2 Section A
Source A Provenance Source QUESTION Study Source A. How useful is Source A to a historian studying __________in______? Explain your answer using Source A and your contextual knowledge. (8 marks) Source A is useful because it says/shows____. This is useful because… Source A is also useful because it was written when/by/in order to/for________. This is useful because… Expectation Mark Basic description of source/General comments about what it shows 1-2 One simple point about the source based on content and/or provenance 3-4 Two explained points about the source based on content and/or provenance and why useful 5-6 Two explained points about the source based on content and provenance, which link directly back to the question and say why useful 7-8

18 Question 2 (10 mins) Medicine
Paper 2 Section A Medicine Question (10 mins) QUESTION Explain the significance of ________ in the development of/after __________. (8 marks) Expectation Mark General assertions about significance 1-2 Explain one reason for significance (focus on impact) 3-4 Explain two reasons for significance (focus on impact) 5-6 Explain one reason for significance at the time AND explain one reason for significance now/through time. (focus on impact) 7-8 At the time, ______was significant because… Later on/now/through time, ______ was significant because…

19 Question 3 (10 mins) Medicine Paper 2 Section A QUESTION
Compare __________________ with _____________. In what ways were they similar/different? Explain your answer with reference to both. (8 marks) One similarity/difference between ______ and ____ was ____. This similarity/difference existed because____. This meant that… Another similarity/difference between ______ and ____ was ____. This similarity/difference existed because____. This meant that… Expectation Mark Identifies general similarity/similarities/differences relevant to question 1-2 Explain one similarity/difference 3-4 Explain two similarities/differences 5-6 Account for the similarities/differences and consequences – place into broader historical context 7-8

20 Question 4 (20 mins) Medicine Paper 2 Section A QUESTION
Has _____________ been the main factor in _____________________in Britain? Explain your answer with reference to _______ and other factors. Use examples from your study of Health and the People. (16 marks) ______ has been a factor in ______ because… Another factor in ______ was _______ because… Lastly, _______ was a factor in _______ because... In conclusion, _______ was more of a factor in _______ than the other factors because… Expectation Mark Basic explanation of one or more general factors 1-4 Simple explanation of the stated factor OR other factor(s) using specific knowledge that is relevant to the question 5-8 Developed explanation of the stated factor AND other factor(s) using a range of accurate and relevant knowledge 9-12 Complex explanation of stated factor AND other factor(s) AND a judgement using a range of accurate and detailed knowledge that is relevant to the question 13-16

21 Question 5 (10 mins) Elizabeth QUESTION Paper 2 Section B
Interpretation A Provenance Interpretation QUESTION Study Source A. How convincing is Interpretation A about __________? Explain your answer using Source A and your contextual knowledge. (8 marks) Overall, Interpretation A is/is not convincing about ______. Interpretation A shows/says ____________________. This is convincing about ______ because it reveals _________. On the other hand, Interpretation A is less convincing about ______ because it leaves out _______ Expectation Mark Describes what is said or shown 1-2 Describes what is said or shown and starts to use fact about the time 3-4 Use contextual knowledge (knowledge of the time) to explain in detail what the interpretation reveals OR what it leaves out 5-6 Use contextual knowledge (knowledge of the time) to explain in detail what the interpretation reveals AND what it leaves out 7-8

22 Question 6 (10 mins) Elizabeth Paper 2 Section B
Explain what was important about _____________________ in__________. (8 marks) Expectation Mark Briefly describes some consequences 1-2 Explain one consequence 3-4 Explain two consequences 5-6 Explain two consequences by linking them to the impact that they could/did have on Elizabeth’s reign 7-8 _________ was important in/for Elizabethan England for many reasons. One reason it was important was ________. This was important because _______. Another reason it was important was ______. This was important because ____________.

23 Question 7 (10 mins) Elizabeth Paper 2 Section B
Write an account of the ways in which _______________ affected Elizabethan England. (8 marks) Expectation Mark List some of the impact in terms of change 1-2 Describe 1 or 2 changes 3-4 Explain one impact/change and its significance 5-6 Explain two impacts/changes and their significance – link to the broader historical context i.e. the impact it had on Elizabeth’s power/reign 7-8 _________ affected Elizabethan England for many reasons. One way it affected Elizabethan England was _____________. This was significant because ___________. Another way it affected Elizabethan England was __________. This was significant because ___________.

24 Question 8 (20 mins) Elizabeth
Paper 2 Section B Elizabeth Question 8 (20 mins) QUESTION The main reason for building a stately home in Elizabethan times was ______________.” How far does a study of __________ support this statement?  Explain your answer. You should refer to ________ and your contextual knowledge. (16 marks) Agree or disagree with the statement and use the site to support your answer Expectation Mark Describe some of the features and what they mean/represent 1-4 Explain features and what they represent 5-8 Explain more than one specific feature and what they represent. Use specific details about the site. Start to suggest which features are more important than others 9-12 Explain 4 features (linked) and what they represent i.e. how they reflect culture, values, fashion and how they link to important events/developments in the Elizabethan time. Write about the most important feature first and then so on 13-16 Agree or disagree with the statement and use the site to support your answer

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