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Do now CNN10 Take out your MAIN notes sheet from Friday AND some paper to take new notes Reminder: phones away!

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Presentation on theme: "Do now CNN10 Take out your MAIN notes sheet from Friday AND some paper to take new notes Reminder: phones away!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do now CNN10 Take out your MAIN notes sheet from Friday AND some paper to take new notes Reminder: phones away!

2 Marching Toward War Chapter 13.1

3 Militarism Glorifying war and the build up of large armies.
Competition for colonies pushed nations to brink of war. European arms race. Belief you need a powerful army to be great!

4 Alliances Mistrust between countries led to many military alliances.
Designed to keep peace through fear of war with multiple nations. It would actually help cause WWI.

5 Triple alliance Alliance between: 1. Germany 2. Austria Hungary
3. Italy

6 Triple Entente Alliance between: 1. France 2. Russia 3. Great Britain
Did not bind Britain to fight with them but guaranteed it would not fight against them.

7 Imperialism: The Balkans
Called the “powder keg of Europe” because of a long history of nationalist uprisings and ethnic clashes. Ottoman empire weakening. Strong sense of Nationalism in these countries.

8 Nationalism The belief that people should be loyal to their country above all other things. Extreme pride in your country. European countries developing strong nationalist feelings.

9 Nationalism’s Effect on Europe
Competition among nations for colonies and power. ethnic groups demand their independence i.e. Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania.

10 Assassination: Archduke Ferdinand
June 28, 1914 visited Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. Shot to death by a terrorist group known as the Black Hand who wanted to end Austrian rule of Bosnia.

11 Declaration of War Austria send Bosnia a list of demands to avoid war.
Serbia agreed to most. Austria did not want to negotiate. War declared on July 28th Other countries quickly follow suit and declare war. WWI has begun.

12 Europe Plunges into War
CH 13.2

13 Bloody Stalemate Everyone thought war would be short
War deadlocked in Northern France; called the Western Front

14 Schlieffen Plan Germany had a plan for winning the war quickly and avoiding a 2 front war called the Schlieffen Plan. Attack and defeat France then turn back to Russia. Russia would take longer to prepare for war.

15 Failure of Schlieffen Plan
At first it looked like the plan would work. September 5th the French win the First Battle of the Marne. Ended hopes of a quick German victory in France.

16 Trench Warfare By early 1915 opposing armies had dug trenches.
Huge numbers die. Very little gain in territory. War stalls.

17 Life in the trenches Miserable. Slept and ate in mud. Full of rats.
Always wet. Lots of disease. Impossible to sleep.

18 The Eastern Front Battles along the Russian and German border.
By 1916 Russia’s war effort collapsed because Russia was not industrialized. Russia only had it’s numbers. Succeeded in tying up hundreds of thousands of Germans so they could not overwhelm the Western Front.

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