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Topic: Cellular Reproduction Aim: How does meiosis occur?

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: Cellular Reproduction Aim: How does meiosis occur?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Cellular Reproduction Aim: How does meiosis occur?
Do Now: List the steps of mitosis, sketch the pictures below and label each step.

2 Meiosis is the type of cell division by which sex cells (eggs and sperm) are produced.
Meiosis involves a reduction in the amount of genetic material. A.K.A. reduction division Meiosis To maintain normal chromosome number once fertilization occurs WHY reduce???? 23 23 46

3 SEX CELLS A.K.A. Gametes Examples: human egg and sperm cells
Function is to fertilize Used to carry out sexual reproduction Have ___ chromosomes each 23__

4 Meiosis consists of two successive nuclear divisions with only one round of DNA replication.
46 Parent cell 92 46 46 4 Daughter cells 23 23 23 23

5 Why only one Interphase?
Phases of Meiosis Meiosis I Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Meiosis II Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II Why only one Interphase? To reduce chromosome number


7 How do the chromosomes change
during meiosis? END START 46 2n = ____ Called the Diploid # 23 n = ____ Called the Haploid #


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