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What is mitosis? The way cells divide to produce more body cells.

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3 What is mitosis? The way cells divide to produce more body cells.

4 Match the following: A B E ____ 1. interphase ____ 2. prophase ____ 3. metaphase ____ 4. anaphase ____ 5. telophase B D C C D A E

5 1. Describe the main results of meiosis
Four haploid cells genetically different from each other and from parent cell.

6 2. What are the principle differences between mitosis and meiosis?
Mitosis makes body (somatic) cells; meiosis makes gametes (sperm, egg). Mitosis makes 2 cells, meiosis 4. Daughter cells from mitosis genetically identical to parent cells; cells from meiosis different. Mitosis makes diploid (2N) cells, meiosis haploid (N)

7 3. What do the terms diploid and haploid mean?
Diploid = 2 sets of chromosomes. Haploid = 1 set of chromosomes.

8 Human body cells have 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes, or a total of 46.

9 Homologous chromosomes exchange sections of DNA.
4. What is crossing over? tetrad Homologous chromosomes exchange sections of DNA. Chromatid

10 5. In human cells, 2N = 46. How many chromosomes would you expect to find in a sperm cell? Egg cell? White blood cell? Explain. 23 46

11 Connecting Concepts. In asexual reproduction, mitosis occurs, but not meiosis. Which type of reproduction – sexual or asexual – results in offspring with greater genetic variability? Explain your answer. Sexual, because offspring get genes from 2 parents. In asexual reproduction offspring are genetically identical to parents.

12 Meiosis video


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